I was watching Eric Murphy’s video on “Privacy faigue” and it certainly provided some food for thought. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ab6ryHD_ahQ)

I like how he conceptualizes privacy as multilevelled, with no one-size-fits-all solution, which should be tailored based on the individual’s threat model.

So, with that in mind: what would y’all consider your threat model?

As far as I’m concerned I suppose my main goal is to avoid advertisements, particularly targeted advertisement. Additionally I would obviously like to avoid getting hacked, but I know I’m not being targeted particularly (and wouldn’t be a worthwhile target anyway). Curious to see if I have any obvious blindspots that could be remedied based on everyone else’s answers.

  • Deckweiss@lemmy.world
    16 days ago

    I once talked with a colleague from the data-analysis field. Apparently the company they work at is somewhat in the legally grey area.

    They advised other companies on hiring candidates, by scraping all possible data about them online (which included buying anonymized advertising data and correlating it to all their publically available data and the data from the application). Using that, they claim to predict worker motivation, loyalty, how often they are sick, their political alignment, what their acceptable rate is, if they are going to ask for a raise, how well they work under pressure and much much more.

    Since hearing it this has basically become my thread model.

    As I am writing this, I realize that it is probably time to delete my Lemmy account and never post here again lol

    • v9CYKjLeia10dZpz88iU@programming.dev
      16 days ago

      I used reddit under a normal username that I used everywhere for like 10 years. I didn’t ever do anything, but did start to feel uncomfortable with the amount of data available to anyone interested. Discord was so much worse for me, I had years of chat logs with like thousands and thousands of messages. Modern governments have the potential to have so much information on people compared to before 1970. Like, there’s a very big difference between getting a subponea for 100,000 messages in chat logs for 2010-2020 and having to talk to acquaintances of the person in the ways that investigations happened before the internet.

      I don’t know, I somewhat think there should be shorter time limits for how long chat logs can be used in courts.

    • GolfNovemberUniform@lemmy.ml
      16 days ago

      I think you can stay anonymous (as in your threat model) on Lemmy as long as you use a VPN and keep your style of speech different than your “real” one

      • grue@lemmy.world
        16 days ago

        and keep your style of speech different than your “real” one

        Good luck with that!

        I kinda feel like you’d need to run your comments through a style transfer LLM in order to do that successfully and consistently.