Need a plate of generic, insipid platitudes with a giant helping of bad science and misogyny?

    1 year ago

    I used to like him. I fell for the crap. To my 16 year old brain what he said made a lot of sense. He had a handful of good points, and it made me believe the rest of the shit he peddled.

    I see him now, I look back on how I hung onto his words like a lost lamb, and I can only facepalm.

    I realised that the only thing he is good at is marketing, not psychology…

      1 year ago

      I didn’t believe him, I believed the positive messages he send and implanted. I don’t care about him nowadays, but I also don’t regret internalizing certain stuff he preached. It wasn’t totally bullshit of what he said, until a point where he completely drifted off.

      Thankfully I stopped watching any of his stuff quite a while before that happened, so I dodged this whole mess and only saw the burning ship wrack from the distance. I understand the hard feelings of others who are more involved in this topic though.

      To agree, that something someone said, was correct, isn’t a bad thing. Even if the stuff that follows is off the mark.

      To regret that, would also mean regretting failure, but without failure there’s no progress.