Tech experts are starting to doubt that ChatGPT and A.I. ‘hallucinations’ will ever go away: ‘This isn’t fixable’::Experts are starting to doubt it, and even OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is a bit stumped.

    1 year ago

    This is trivially fixable. As is jailbreaking.

    It’s just that everyone is somehow still focused on trying to fix it in a single monolith model as opposed to in multiple passes of different models.

    This is especially easy for jailbreaking, but for hallucinations, just run it past a fact checking discriminator hooked up to a vector db search index service (which sounds like a perfect fit for one of the players currently lagging in the SotA models), adding that as context with the original prompt and response to a revisionist generative model that adjusts the response to be in keeping with reality.

    The human brain isn’t a monolith model, but interlinked specialized structures that delegate and share information according to each specialty.

    AGI isn’t going to be a single model, and the faster the industry adjusts towards a focus on infrastructure of multiple models rather than trying to build a do everything single model, the faster we’ll get to a better AI landscape.

    But as can be seen with OpenAI gating and depreciating their pretrained models and only opening up access to fine tuned chat models, even the biggest player in the space seems to misunderstand what’s needed for the broader market to collaboratively build towards the future here.

    Which ultimately may be a good thing as it creates greater opportunity for Llama 2 derivatives to capture market share in these kinds of specialized roles built on top of foundational models.