The United States has reportedly been putting pressure on Egypt to deploy its army in the Gaza Strip after the war ends in the besieged Palestinian Strip, Israel’s Channel 7 reported.

The channel said Cairo is “not enthusiastic” about the American proposal, adding that senior US officials have recently visited Cairo to put pressure on the Egyptian government to deploy a military force in the Gaza Strip, as part of the agreement to end Israel’s war on the enclave.

    28 days ago

    President Abdeh Fattah el-Sisi has made a repressive government, and is dependent on American aid to stay in power. Most Egyptians are passionate about what is happening in Gaza but cannot protest. If you listen to crowds at football matches, though, it is very apparent how they feel.

    Sisi ,regarding Gaza, should be regarded as an American puppet who walks a rather fine line. This is why Egypt has been so involved in “negotiations”.