• DrMorose@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I pay my portion of my health coverage at a little under 20% of my paycheck for a family plan. That is technically half since my employer pays a portion as well. If taxes would be raised to that point or even less than what I am paying now I would not care in the slightest. Hell I would welcome it. If it is more I would be a little more upset but if I do t have to pay co pays or the other crap a medical bill generates like the portion my health coverage doesn’t pay than in my eyes it again balances out.

    • Rakonat@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Insurance companies are a leech on the economy with predatory practices to reject claims. Single payer healthcare would fix so much wrong with us healthcare its actually ridiculous we haven’t done it yet. ACA slowed the bleeding but didn’t address the problem thoroughly enough. I really don’t care if my taxes go up by twice what I put into healthcare (there is no way they could, but still) I’d still endorse it knowing Americans could get regular and reliable healthcare again.