Tere kolleegid. Kuna pole teada, mis Redditis juhtuma hakkab, oli vaja plaani B. Juhtumisi sattus ette plaan C - ning siin me oleme. Leidsin võrgustiku nimega “Lemmy”, mis on osa Fediverse’ist ja teatud määral ühilduv Mastodoniga (mul on seal kah konto, serveril “a.nti.social” on kasutaja “perestroika-pw”). Järgmisena leidsin serveri nimega “slrpnk.net”, kus juba oli kogunemas sarnaselt mõtlevaid inimesi. :) Juhtumisi läks siin kõik palju kiiremini ja lihtsamalt, ning hakkas meeldima. :)

Hello, colleagues. Since I don’t know how things will be on Reddit, I felt the need for a plan B. Accidentally I stumbled on plan C - and here we are. I found a network named “Lemmy”, part of Fediverse and (to some extent) compatible with Mastodon (I have an account there too, on the server “a.nti.social” you’ll find a user named “perestroika-pw”). Next I found a server named “slrpnk.net” where like-minded people were already present. :) Coincidentally, everything went really smoothly here and I started to like it. :)