• UnrepententProcrastinator@lemmy.ca
    10 months ago

    Social media politics is confirmation bias by design.

    A few of my opinions that are less popular here:

    • Unions are not a perfect solution.
    • landlords are not inherantly bad and it’s not a “sit back and cash in” type of job.
    • Bridled Capitalism is a better system than the comunism we’ve tried so far.

    I have no desire to debate any of those here. I talk politics with friends and in person and I try to remain skeptical especially of facts that happen to go my way.

    • JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl
      10 months ago

      While that is true. Everyone seems to let perfection be the enemy of improvement. If the portrayal of anything different isn’t a utopia, people will scoff at it and say that it isn’t worth it, even if it is lightyears ahead of the current shit system.

      • hydrospanner@lemmy.world
        10 months ago

        This is the frustration I had with so many people back when the ACA was the issue of the day.

        Like, sure, there are issues with the ACA, single payer, universal healthcare, etc. but at the same time, look at privatized healthcare, where the wealthy have no issues and get the best care and want to maintain the status quo, the middle class are forced into lower classes by medical expenses, lower classes are just sort of expected to quietly poor themselves to death, and the actual poor get underfunded state provided care…that the upper classes loudly complain about having to fund with “their” taxes. It’s a system that’s been corrupted into a socio-economic instrument of control by ownership classes to maintain their grip on both the money of the country and the lives and upward mobility of everyone beneath them.

        But yeah let’s not try anything different because your wait time for your sore throat might be a few extra minutes.

        • JustEnoughDucks@feddit.nl
          10 months ago

          I live in belgium where it is 4€ to see a doctor and maybe 50€ to see a specialist.

          Wait times are 1 day max. Wait times for a specialist are usually a month.

          When I was employed by a big hospital living in the US, my wait times were triple that even with “great health insurance” and I would pay $350 for a checkup with something routine like shot updates or an STD screen.

          • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
            10 months ago

            That’s because there aren’t so many people in Belgium (yet). In Germany there are specialists you come on a waiting list and tell you that you perhaps get a seat in 2 years. Some don’t even have a waiting list anymore. For rheumatologist I wait for 3 months minimum, as a regular patient there.