It’s rich coming from a country that used to colonize all across the world, displace and genocide indigenous people, exploit the country’s resource, divide and conquering the people of their colony, and even deliberately causing famine. Even the decolonization aren’t due to good will but simply running out of money. Now a lonewolf knife attack by an immigrant and they’re bitching about their indigenous people’s safety. My country were colonized by British and their divide and conquer tactic is still pretty much alive right now. Apologies for that, bitch.
It’s rich coming from a country that used to colonize all across the world, displace and genocide indigenous people, exploit the country’s resource, divide and conquering the people of their colony, and even deliberately causing famine. Even the decolonization aren’t due to good will but simply running out of money. Now a lonewolf knife attack by an immigrant and they’re bitching about their indigenous people’s safety. My country were colonized by British and their divide and conquer tactic is still pretty much alive right now. Apologies for that, bitch.
The dude wasn’t an immigrant, he’s from Wales.
Sorry i didn’t catch much detail of the perpetrator from the news i read, but that make it even ridiculous.
I do love the British who have this “we colonized them and now they have the gall to come over here” attitude.