• secretlyaddictedtolinux@lemmy.world
    12 days ago

    No one of even mild to low intelligence thinks Mike Lindell is a credible person.

    This is a person who had a positive attitude and made a lot of money making pillows, then got older. He is religious and religion and aging affected his brain, especially because he’s clearly not that bright to begin with as evidenced by his religious beliefs. Plenty of people do well in society without being that intelligent because they have a positive attitude.

    Stripping this person of 5 million dollars is a form of laissez-faire elder abuse wrapped in the artifice of polite society and it’s blatantly vile.

    Just because he’s a disgusting right-wing religious idiot doesn’t mean that elder abuse is acceptable, and intelligent people in society should have the decency to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

    • modifier@lemmy.ca
      12 days ago

      Mmmm except whatever shibboleths you may utter against “right-wing religious idiots”, comments like yours help those idiots and others like them by giving them a sort of ‘cognitive plausible deniability’ to get up to whatever evil shit they’ve been getting up to and worse.

      Like it’s so obviously minimizing real evil - the evil UNDERNEATH shit like this ‘innocent little contest’, genius - under a shield of “d’aww shucks those pesky white nationalists are up to their hijinx again, those silly knuckleheads”.

      So in that context, you talking about ‘disgusting right-wing idiots’ comes off as a real fellowkids moment for you.