The original post: /r/pcmasterrace by /u/ClaudioMoravit0 on 2024-06-25 08:07:13.

Hey, I’m planning to get a PC and encountered this prebuilt (actually semi prebuilt since I chose some parts myself but it’ll be delivered assembled) and I wanted to know if it’ll work (if there are no problems such as the form factor, if everything can fit in it…)

here’s the link

I have some obligations concerning this PC since my parents are paying for and prefer a prebuilt PC, so if something is missing in here you can go to (the website i’ll buy the pc on) and use their configuration tool to create an alternative for about 1200€ OS included (I know I can get W11 for basically free but they’ll most likely want the PC to be delivered with an OS, anyways)

TL:DR I would like a good pc for 1200€ (little more is okay, I guess) with OS included, and I don’t have many choices, since it’ll need to be bought on one site and be assembled before delivery. I also sadly can’t rely on german websites

Thanks guys