MEDVEDEV THREATENS RUSSIA WILL SEIZE MORE UKRAINIAN REGIONS Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev issued a veiled warning that Russia intends to seize more Ukrainian regions in a Telegram post on Sept. 30.

In a Telegram message commemorating one year since Russia’s illegal annexation of four Ukrainian regions, Medvedev said “there will be more new regions within Russia.”

Medvedev claimed Russia’s war will continue until the Ukrainian government is “completely destroyed” and the “original Russian territories are liberated from the enemy.”

Russia illegally annexed four regions of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhia, Donetsk, Kherson, and Luhansk oblasts on Sept. 30, 2022.

    1 year ago

    Does he believe in what he says and is completely delusional, living in his own world or are these the last remains of copium for the masses?

    The orcs can’t even control the regions they illegally claimed by now nor their own borderlands.