• GenkiFeral@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Great topic. I am unwilling to give up everything (especially when most others are willing to give up nothing), but have wondered how listening to music using a YT extension or on my phone - maybe with a Bluetooth speaker attached- would change power usage. Then, I wondered if the speaker would wear out faster than my PC speakers and that would be bad for the environment, too. Thanks to covid, many of us have become reclusive and the only entertainment we have is from technology. I rarely leave the house or even my room anymore. Even the library is a bit harder to access these days -even after shutdowns ended. You change this in order to save that and then something else gets screwed up that you failed to consider. People have said that people who live far from their jobs are “bad” because they waste so much gas commuting, but maybe they use less internet or technology and may even grow some of their own food or collect rainwater and dry clothes on a clothes line and open their windows on fair-weather days. My point might be ‘unintended consequences’.

    • Helix 🧬@feddit.de
      3 years ago

      I wondered if the speaker would wear out faster than my PC speakers and that would be bad for the environment

      You could use wired headphones.