Anybody here who has tried Reor with Obsidian?

Reor is a AI note-taking app that runs models locally.

#obsidian #reor #ArtificialIntelligence

      8 months ago

      Sure, I have the following Plugins:

      • Admonition (for better Callouts)
      • Advanced Tables (its easier to build auto adjusted tables)
      • Dataview (Was just an experiment to try and pull data from across my notes to build better logs)
      • Dice Roller (For rolling dice in statblocks and general rolling)
      • Fantasy Calendar (What is a campaign without a Calendar, this is loaded with the Golarion AR Calendar schema)
      • Fantasy Statblocks (Building Statblocks for usage in Initiative Tracker, easier to use than Foundry and Herolab imho)
      • Fullscreen mode plugin (distraction free writing)
      • Initiative Tracker (Load Charakters and Creatures into an initiative order, subtract or add health, assign conditions and set initiative. Easy peasy)
      • Markdown Attributes (To style templates, make everything a bit more beautiful)
      • Obsidian Git (I push and pull my notes between my PC and my notebook)
      • Obsidian Leaflet (Maps!)
      • Templater (Building templates to process repeating jobs)
      • Style Settings (just to make Adwaita a bit more beautiful and more seamless)