Imagine all your basic needs are covered: housing, food, healthcare, and so on. You don’t need to work for a living anymore. What would you do with your time?

I know this might sound like a bit of a dreamy question, but it’s been on my mind lately, especially as I see so many people working tirelessly day and night. Perhaps it’s time for us to slow down and reflect on what truly matters. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this!

  • HobbitFoot
    4 months ago

    I would dedicate more time to exercise. My running would be more consistent and I would likely add yoga and weight lifting.

    I would travel a lot more, with big trips to different places. This includes going cross continent in several continents.

    I have some ideas for non-fiction writing, specifically an anthology on industrial era technology and how it caused societal change.

    I might teach at a community college given my experience and education.