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It’s not just time zones and leap seconds. SI seconds on Earth are slower because of relativity, so there are time standards for space stuff (TCB, TGC) that use faster SI seconds than UTC/Unix time. T2 - T1 = [God doesn’t know and the Devil isn’t telling.]
holy shit, yeah it would have. tyvm, I’ll be putting in a PR first thing monday!
Would you mind trying to explain (ELI5 style) what you did before and why you are excited for this new method for those of us who dont understand code?
it does in a way that’s been reviewed, vetted and tested by a lot of people the thing that I’m trying to do with code that’s only ever been seen by me and one other guy and has been tested to this best of my ability, which i hope is quite good but one person can easily miss edge cases and weird coincidences.
So how is the new thing different/better (other than less lines i guess?) If you dont me asking
It’s easier to understand, easier to review for correctness, and less likely to cause problems with additional changes in the future. Even though it sounds counterintuitive, software developers generally try to write as little code as possible. Any code you write is a potential liability that has to be maintained, so if you can instead just call code that others have already written and that has been tested, you’ll want to do that. (Note that “less code” doesn’t mean fewer lines of code, it means less logical complexity, which is often, but not always, also less in terms of characters/lines)
So like my english teacher taught me. Keep It Stupid Simple(though he would say keep it simple stupid to some people in class i am just realizing now 20+ years later)
Exactly that! KISS is an often cited rule among software devs.