There’s Advaita Vedanta in Indian Philosophy which talks about non dualism. Is there any similar variation in western world?
There’s Advaita Vedanta in Indian Philosophy which talks about non dualism. Is there any similar variation in western world?
In his metaphysics, everything that exists is part of a single substance, which he calls Deus sive Natura (God or Nature). This substance is infinite, eternal, and indivisible, encompassing both mind and body as two aspects of the same fundamental reality. As such, the distinction between subject and object, or mind and matter, is ultimately illusory; they are simply different attributes of the same underlying substance.
God is in opposition to not-the-God, so it is dualistic again IMHO.
Well, no.
In Spinoza’s view, God is not a separate entity but the fundamental substance of the universe. It’s God all the way down.
okay then, i misunderstood. What spinoza calls “god”, i call “magic”. we’re all a product of magic, including science, god and all forms of life. unfortunately, i can’t find a link that explains better right now.