• PepeLivesMatter@lemmy.today
    10 months ago

    Women asked for this. No, they demanded it. Even if it came at the cost of making it harder for men to find jobs.

      • PepeLivesMatter@lemmy.today
        10 months ago

        Is it just me or does it smell like whataboutism in here?

        Women DID fight for the right to be able to do this. That’s not a conspiracy theory. They insisted on it.

        • rainynight65@feddit.de
          10 months ago

          Women fought for equal rights - for being allowed to do the same things men were, without restriction. Have careers, live their own lives, be equal before the law, not be relegated to the role of housewife/childbearer by default and without being given a choice.

          This meme is not about that. It’s not even about women. It just happens to have a woman in the photo. This meme is about big businesses routinely and with impunity exploiting their workers. Nobody ever fought for the right to be exploited. Of course, I don’t expect someone with a user name like PepeLivesMatter to understand that kind of nuance.

          • PepeLivesMatter@lemmy.today
            10 months ago

            No, I do understand that nuance, and I appreciate your ability to explain it without resorting to name calling or insults.

            You and others are upset not because what I said wasn’t true (it was), but because it’s something you’d rather not talk or even think about. Okay. Point taken. She did indeed not blame men for her situation, at least not directly, I will admit that. Although I’m sure there’s already a feminist somewhere waiting to explain to me how shareholder value is a tool of the patriarchy that was designed for no other purpose than to oppress women.

            • rainynight65@feddit.de
              10 months ago

              You’re not digging yourself out of that hole out of your own making.

              And no, I’m not upset about anything you said. Truth has nothing to do with it. What you said was nonsensical, baseless, and not very intelligent. B most people’s standards, you’re trolling. I’ve long gotten over being upset by trolls.

              • PepeLivesMatter@lemmy.today
                10 months ago

                If you aren’t upset, why spend all this time and effort trying to make me regret what I said instead of simply proving me wrong?

                If what I said was baseless and nonsensical, it would be easier and more effective to just disprove it rather than coming up with more and more insults to my intelligence instead.

                Other people have at least managed to point out that they found it inappropriate because the OP wasn’t blaming men for her situation, to which I have agreed. Yet here you are still heaping abuse over my head and trying to convince me you’re not upset.

                Sorry, but I’m not buying it.

                • rainynight65@feddit.de
                  10 months ago

                  If you aren’t upset, why spend all this time and effort trying to make me regret what I said instead of simply proving me wrong?

                  I have explained where you’re wrong, to the point that you thanked me for it in your previous post. But you still insist on being right. I can’t help you with that, and am not going to either.

                  Other people have at least managed to point out that they found it inappropriate

                  And yet you’ve replied to them in the same vein as you have to me: whining that you’re right but being insulted.

                  Yet here you are still heaping abuse over my head and trying to convince me you’re not upset.

                  If you’d care to point out which part of my response was ‘heaping abuse over your head’, then maybe we’d get somewhere. Then again, ask me how much I care. On second thought, don’t. You’d just whine about the reply.

                  Sorry, but I’m not buying it.

                  Wasn’t selling anything. Go in peace, but go.