I’m looking for an Android python compiler interpreter that runs locally on my phone. Any suggestions are appreciated. FOSS apps preferred of course.
Edit: changed compiler to interpreter
Edit 2: I ended up going with Pydroid3. I wish there was a FOSS alternative.
You’re gonna get mocked for saying compiler instead of interpreter, since python isn’t compiled.
But, to answer the spirit of your question, I’ve had good experiences with “Pydroid 3.” Clean interface and gets the job done.
Well it is compiled to byte code in a first step, and this byte code then gets processed by the interpreter. Now Java does the exact same thing: gets compiled to byte code which then gets executed by the jvm (java virtual machine), which is essentially a interpreter that is just a little simpler than the python one (has fewer types for example). And yet, nobody talks about a java interpreter
You can run Python under Termux if that suffices. If you want to write gui apps in python, look at kivy.org though it is maybe not so easy to use (I have not tried it).
I’m mostly looking for an IDE that can work with it if possible
(Acode + Python Plugin) + Termux You can install them via F-Droid