Day 22: Sand
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What a nice refreshment after the past 2 days. You could say that all of these problems are graph problems at their heart, but I didn’t expect this one to turn into a graph problem as hard as it did. But even in part 1 I slowly realized that just counting some bricks won’t cut it, and I need to actually construct the graph with edges between bricks that support each other.
At that point part 2 wasn’t that much different. By traversing the graph level by level while keeping track of all bricks that have already fallen, I could identify if a new block is only supported by fallen blocks.
For representing the bricks I tried out the euclid crate for the first time and it was pretty nice to work with.
use euclid::{Point3D, Size3D, vec3, Box3D, UnknownUnit}; use ndarray::{Array2, s}; use rustc_hash::FxHashSet; type Brick = Box3D<i32, UnknownUnit>; fn parse_box(line: &str) -> Brick { let (min_s, max_s) = line.split_once('~').unwrap(); let point = |s: &str| { let mut nums = s.split(',').map(|n| n.parse().unwrap()); Point3D::new(,,, ) }; // Switch max point to be exclusive Box3D::new(point(min_s), point(max_s) + Size3D::splat(1)) } fn settle(falling: &mut [Brick]) { falling.sort_by_key(|b| b.min.z); let footprint = falling.iter() .fold(Box3D::zero(), |acc, e| acc.union(e)); // Initialize at height 1 which is seen as exclusive. The first brick falls to height1. let mut highest: Array2<i32> = Array2::ones(footprint.max.xy().to_usize().to_tuple()); for brick in falling.iter_mut() { let mut brick_area = highest.slice_mut(s![brick.to_usize().x_range(), brick.to_usize().y_range()]); let fall_height = *brick_area.iter().max().unwrap(); // No falling up assert!(fall_height <= brick.min.z); *brick = brick.translate(vec3(0, 0, fall_height - brick.min.z)); brick_area.fill(brick.max.z); } falling.sort_by_key(|b| b.min.z); } fn get_support_graph(bricks: &[Brick]) -> (Vec<Vec<usize>>, Vec<Vec<usize>>) { let mut supports = vec![vec![]; bricks.len()]; for (i, brick) in bricks.iter().enumerate() { // For intersection checking with above bricks let grown = brick.inflate(0, 0, 1); bricks.iter() .enumerate() .skip(i + 1) .take_while(|(_, b)| b.min.z <= brick.max.z) .filter(|(_, b)| b.min.z == brick.max.z && grown.intersects(b)) .for_each(|(j, _b)| supports[i].push(j)); } let rev: Vec<Vec<usize>> = (0..bricks.len()) .map(|i| supports.iter() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(j, adj)| adj.contains(&i).then_some(j)) .collect() ) .collect(); (supports, rev) } fn removable((supports, rev): (Vec<Vec<usize>>, Vec<Vec<usize>>)) -> u32 { let count = supports.iter() .filter(|adj| adj.iter().all(|&s| rev[s].len() > 1)) .count(); count as u32 } fn fall_count((supports, rev): (Vec<Vec<usize>>, Vec<Vec<usize>>)) -> u32 { let mut count = 0; for i in 0..supports.len() { let mut level = FxHashSet::default(); level.insert(i); // Collect all fallen bricks let mut fallen = level.clone(); while !level.is_empty() { let mut next_lvl = FxHashSet::default(); for &j in &level { for &k in &supports[j] { // j supports k, i supports j via chain if rev[k].iter().all(|e| fallen.contains(e)) { // k is only supported by current level, it will fall next_lvl.insert(k); } } } count += next_lvl.len() as u32; fallen.extend(&next_lvl); level = next_lvl; } } count } fn part1(input: String) { let mut bricks: Vec<_> = input.lines().map(parse_box).collect(); settle(&mut bricks); let support_graph = get_support_graph(&bricks); println!("{}", removable(support_graph)); } fn part2(input: String) { let mut bricks: Vec<_> = input.lines().map(parse_box).collect(); settle(&mut bricks); let support_graph = get_support_graph(&bricks); println!("{}", fall_count(support_graph)); } util::aoc_main!("day22.txt");