So I was watching a few youtubes and remembered how the vast majority (of like the ten) nes games me and my sister had were hard as all hell. I loved to play Little Nemo and Street Fighter 2010 but I am pretty sure I never made it past the third level of either. Let alone infamously hard games like The Lion King.

Which got me thinking. Basically every game for the past 20 years has been designed around instant gratification and being accessible. We outright had to make a new concept “hard but fair” to account for games like Dark Souls that are designed to be difficult but beatable as opposed to putting you in a death spiral if you hesitate too long on a hard jump (hello Ninja Gaiden).

So do the younger folk even have a concept of a “favorite game” where you likely never experienced more than fifteen minutes worth of content?

    10 months ago

    I am not young but I can’t beat Souls games. I adore the world design of Dark Souls, Bloodbourne and Elden Ring but I just can’t motivate myself to suffer through them. I know they are beatable, there are many safepoints, but I don’t have fun doing that. Still, I wish these games had a difficulty slider for anyone who just wants to enjoy the story. But that will freak out the gamer bros who think that will somehow ruin their precious game.

    And it’s not like I never play anything on hard mode. Games like Sniper Elite work best in „Authentic“ mode for me. In puzzle games I always turn off any assistance if possible. But simply increasing the health bar of bosses is not my understanding of fun.

  • 𝒍𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒏
    10 months ago

    Road Rash on the PS1, absolutely loved it but could barely win a race on it 😂 yeeting other riders off their motorbikes was too much fun.

    Also thought the video cutscenes and menus looked kinda cool back then, especially compared to the simple ones in fighting games (tekken, versus etc). Actually thinking about it now, the music on Tekken’s character select screen really made you feel like you were in an arcade

    • Helix 🧬
      10 months ago

      There’s a spiritual successor to Road Rash which is Road Redemption, I can recommend it. I found it to be a bit easier to control.

    10 months ago

    I love “Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos”. I even run its official fansite.

    To this day, I have never finished the game because it’s hard. I mostly play it like a sandbox space pirate simulator. :D