do you not smell body odor or do you just get used to it?

Genuinely curious. I have met a few people of different walks of life that I could tell did not and I have always used it, so I’m just curious. I know there was a couple that stopped using it for around a year, and they said their body actually end up not perspiring as much as when they used antiperspirant, but I’d like to know other people’s experiences.

  • BlueÆ
    10 months ago

    I don’t use deodorant or antiperspirant, and have not for years (decades even). I have asked and no-one has said I smell bad - although I’m not a heavy sweater. If I have worked out/done heavy exercise then I’ll generally shower if I can, but even if I don’t it’s not a rank smell, just a ‘musk’ ( I have asked). I’ve worked with a guy that did use antiperspirant/deodorant and by half way through the day he was rank…

      10 months ago

      I wish… I unfortunately have to use deodorant because my natural body odour literally smells like cannabis. I get weird looks sometimes if I forget.