• Kidplayer_666@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    My take is very simple:

    -are they actively targeting civilians? If yes then bad:

          -Israeli government- yes, then bad.
          -Hamas- yes, then bad.

    -are they following what is recognised as international law (namely the 1993 Oslo agreements):

          -Israeli government- while they formally recognise Palestine as a state, they have consistently undermined the Palestinian authority and occupied much of the West Bank without a plan for either self governance or leaving, settling parts of the West Bank aggressively, therefore bad.
           -Hamas- does not recognise Israel in any way and openly calls for its destruction, therefore bad.
    • ???@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      I think the only reason Israel should exist today is that people already live there and it would be a mistake to force them out and create more displacement. That being said, Israel, a supremacist ethnostate, should never have had the right to exist… You shouldn’t exist if you have to build your fucking country on the mass graves of the native people, and then you are so deep in this shit you have to develop tech to be able to apartheid them all behind walls and systems and bullets, starving and dying. No, an entity like that should not deserve to exist. I still have hope that some reasonable Israelis will turn this all around, and Israel will stop being a genocidal mission.

      • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
        10 months ago

        The country Israel was founded by people who are native to the land. Perhaps read up on the history of the area, because what you are writing is factually incorrect.

        There was no country before and the area was populated by multiple different groups of people. Those people wanted to found countries in the area. There is war(s) regarding where the borders of these countries should be.

        That’s how almost every country in the world came into place. The only difference here is that it is taking place in a time when the whole world is watching in real time and people are much more globally mobile.

        I know it’s much easier and comfortable to paint a black and white picture of the situation, but it is just false…

        • ???@lemmy.world
          10 months ago

          If they were native to the land, how do you explain Deir Yasdin or the Nakba?

          • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
            10 months ago

            ??? What does that have to do with the fact that Israel is a country founded for people who are native to the land?

            • ???@lemmy.world
              10 months ago

              If they are native to the land, why did they have to massacre (Deir Yassin) and ethnically cleanse (the Nakba) the other natives? 🤔

              I’m asking because Deir Yassin is the massacre that eventually convinced my grandmother’s family to leave their hometown and become refugees in Jordan, especially after the men in the village tried to fight off these “natives to the land” because they were attacking and killing everyone. Deir Yassin convinced Palestinians that they couldn’t trust these “natives”, since they don’t stick to their treaties, and go around marauding.

              • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
                10 months ago

                Jews were killed and oppressed in the area already thousands of years ago. How is that possible if they are not natives to the land?

                For example during the Levant conquest or the regular and ongoing conflicts between Arabs and Jews in the area when it was still Transjordan? These conflicts are so fucking old they are mentioned in the Koran.

                It’s nonsensical to try and claim Jews aren’t native there.

                • ???@lemmy.world
                  10 months ago

                  Please answer my question first. If they were natives to the land, why did they have to commit massacres and ethnic cleansing against the other natives of the land?

                  • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
                    10 months ago

                    For the same reason why people do that in every country to each other. Religion, incompatible cultural values, ideologies that go against other people, … It’s sadly something people do and have done everywhere in some way or another.

                    In Transjordan and the greater area between Northern Africa and Asia there were countless shifts and movements, mixing and separation of groups for all kind of reasons. But I think the separation because of different religions is probably the reason that lead to the biggest rifts, at least in that place.

                    I don’t see how that has anything to do with whether or not a group of people is native to or had ancestry in a land.

      • jasondj@ttrpg.network
        10 months ago

        You shouldn’t exist if you have to build your fucking country on the mass graves of the native people, and then you are so deep in this shit you have to develop tech to be able to apartheid them all behind walls and systems and bullets, starving and dying. No, an entity like that should not deserve to exist.

        Just for curiosity, are you American?

        Because you literally just described America.

              • ParsnipWitch@feddit.de
                10 months ago

                The UN, which includes the HRW, have a historic bias against Israel that is an ongoing topic. They admitted so themselves in the past and have been called again and again to justify their strong bias that shows, among other things, in the fact they find the majority of all human rights offenses in Israel.

                The focus on Israel from the UN stems form the fact that the majority of it’s members states are anti-democratic and their council is dominated by oil states and muslim states who see Israel as a thorn into their side.

                While I wouldn’t call everything from the UN as propaganda, they are definitely not a neutral source for information.