I don’t know how to explain this but now that my house is “done”, my wedding is over I am just bored.

Before that I was in stress and always wanted to give up. But now I am staring at a wall with coffee in my hand and playing video games waiting for the next vacation somewhere.

Is this normal?

  • owenfromcanada@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    There’s a great oatmeal comic thing that might resonate a bit.

    It’s good to take a breather after a big project, but when you find yourself bored, go ahead and seek out a new thing. Just be cognizant about your stress and energy levels; and if it impacts them, be sure to communicate with your spouse on it.

    To answer your question: yeah, it’s normal. Not everyone will feel that way or phrase it that way, but humans are geared to strive and do challenging things.