seems like the ‘safe’ public opinion is ‘we stand behind israel’ and the left opinion is palestinian support

i don’t live there i don’t have any particular interest or fascination with the region i don’t understand any of this pls don’t yell at me

  • Square
    1 year ago

    True, but what often goes unreported is the massive scale at which Israel is killing Palestinians.

    Check out this link for example:

    Israel kills and injures roughly 20 Palestinians for each Israeli killed/injured by Palestine.

    The current era of the conflict started in 2006, when the Hamas during a ceasefire stepped down from the government in favour of a less radical government to lead to a peace process. But then Israel bombed a residential building (they say by accident), killing 24 civilians including children and injuring many more.

    That’s when the Hamas took back the power and restarted their attacks on Israel.