“some politicians” eh
Golly gee whiz I wonder which ones?!?!?!
Lab grown meat is made differently than what feels comfortable and familiar to me, therefore continue raising animals for slaughter! Who cares if it’s cruel and a massive contributor to capitalist made climate change?
Charging a car takes longer than pumping gas, therefore keep using gas! Who cares if it’s destroying our ONLY habitat?
Reckless growth/metastasis for its own sake makes more profit for the right people. We need more wage slaves! Lets force the peasants to have more babies to drive up short term private profit! Who cares if the planet can’t support such a reckless species in these numbers and we’re sabotaging the medium-long term survival of our species(and countless others at our mercy we don’t give shit one about)?
Humanity is determined to destroy itself. Just smart enough to develop technologies capable of threatening our sole, shared, COMMUNal habitat we all rely on for every breath, still too bone-dead stupid to seriously consider using them responsibly with temperance.
Genuine question: are there any studies on the safety on cultured meat?
Studies show it’s much safer than animal meat, for the animals.
Summary: Ron DeSantis said yet another stupid thing.