So I’ve switched to lemmy since the reddit meltdown started, experienced quite some withdrawal symptoms, occasionally turned back to reddit, more often logged out than logged in. Now I am merely using Lemmy occasionally and by far not as often as I used reddit before. No more doom scrolling.

So far so good.

Today I went on reddit for the first time in like 3 weeks straight (I couldn’t do that for the last years… yeah, I was very addicted in hindsight). I just… I don’t know what it is.

Reddit just isn’t fun anymore.

I turned away after maybe 5 minutes. There were maybe 2-3 repost-worthy pics, one interesting video and a few small niche discussions that all went straight tits up within a few replies.

If I ask a question on lemmy, it usually is a straightforward, honest discussion. Almost no blaming of the posters or answerers misunderstandings or senseless answers. It goes a bit back and forth usually and people tend to thank each other for corrections. I can’t remember when that happened on a reddit discussion. Maybe years back? Anyway, I’m not going back there anymore, not because I hate the CEO, but because reddit is not fun anymore. Lost all interest in it.

Did anyone of you have a similar experience?

    1 year ago

    I’m still having a hard time adjusting, to be honest. Granted much of reddit is full of reposts, even so there’s still just a lot more content and interaction. I could and did spend all day on one or two subreddits, but here it’s kind of checking in one a day and seeing maybe a few new posts. I don’t have anything else though, so I’m just often left starving for content. But I just can’t give spez the satisfaction of returning.

    • waka@feddit.deOP
      1 year ago

      That weird need for content gets to me as well. I went looking for meme sites and… well, what I found cannot be described as the bottom of the barrel, but more like the rotten carcasses of barrels in an old disused moldy cellar. My god that was horrifying. Even 4chan feels better in comparison in that regard.

      It sound weird, but give reading a try. I went for Mangas using the Tachiyomi-App. Whenever I feel the need, I just read a chapter or two and that is all I need. Most will want to read books or articles, whatever helps. I also discovered to be a great alternative for getting news, once you put all the bad sources on “do not show” one by one. Local news are often more interesting than you might think.

      Go ahead, look for such things. Reddit was a giant tent you let into your life and now that the tent is garbage and gone you have a dead garden to replant with things because if you don’t plant what you like, wild groth happens and you won’t like most of it and then you’ll be unhappy all the time.

    1 year ago

    Yeah, I still exist on reddit for news or a few niche communities. I see a lot of the recycled memes and point gaming. The few discussions get no traction or an overwhelming response. You can’t really argue with anyone. It becomes ad-hominem and hurt feelings.

      1 year ago

      I see a lot of the recycled memes

      I think the % of OPs that are just straight up reposting bots has increased considerably. Front page is even more unusable than during TheDonald times…

      Its just low quality trash.

    1 year ago

    Idk I don’t exactly find Lemmy a bastion of my interests. It’s very clear the community is far smaller. The niche communities of topics im interested are mostly nonexistent and it’s largely a sea of memes and references I don’t remotely understand or care to. Something about communists or some shit? What? Pass.

    • gabe [he/him]
      1 year ago

      What interests do you have that aren’t found here? Some tiny niche interest communities are being built, you sometimes just gotta find em

        1 year ago

        They’re typically so small there is a post a week and few if any comments.

        Also I find it’s difficult to find communities in the first place.

        • gabe [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Speaking as someone actively building niche focused communities ( for books and writing & for art) this kind of defeatist attitude saddens me. Community’s don’t explode over night. I fully get that community discovery is hard as hell right now though with lemmy, and attempts are being made to fix it. But with the communities that do exist, it’s a matter of participating and starting conversations if you don’t see one you want to participate in. On a new and emerging platform like this, you really can’t be a lurker. Posting, commenting, engagement, and likes is the only currency here.

          The thing with lemmy is that it does feel like screaming into the void sometimes, but you also have the benefit of a smaller community to have more focused discussions. Quality over quantity is the focus here rather than the mess that reddit had. Reddit has tons of content but a large portion of that is just noise and spam, it is much more preferable to have a high quality post once a day with an engaging and thoughtful discussion than a community filled with low quality spam most of the time and only one high quality post a day that’s nearly impossible to find.

    1 year ago

    I’m back to Reddit, I kinda gave up here, but I’ll look a couple of times a week.

    Too much politics. Linux. Privacy. Bidet talk. ADHD. Bad memes. Techbabble. Snore

    No matter the filters I just can’t get an interesting feed, I just blocked about 6 political subs just today - it’s kinda shitty content imo (for me anyway)

    I’m happy this exists but the rage honeymoons over for me. Old habits die hard I guess ……now………back to arguing with bots!!

    • waka@feddit.deOP
      1 year ago

      Me too is not that interested in most communities here. All you have to change is the default setting in your profile to “subscribed” instead of “local”. That’s the same mechanism as reddit had.

      But yes, the amount of discussion here is limited. But not in a bad way. More like, concentrated rather than spread out. If you want to give it a try, go here:

      Just look up the most active community for your specific interest and hope for the best. Worked for my few interests.