Not sure I agree with the title that no one can ”escape” it. I think the wealth hoarding class does very nicely out of everyone else’s misery. Perhaps if things don’t turn around their grand children might go from owning the whole country to facing a guillotine.

More likely once there is a large enough percentage of people who will have no hope of owning, then they will start to have an effect at the polling booth.

    10 months ago

    The guillotine is how they won’t escape the crisis.

    Where I disagree is on owning a house. This should not be a primary thing whatever the wealth you have. It’s how people make other wealthier.

    Housing is a human right as well as food. It can’t be a human right without having a majority of the housing in public hands. It’s not free or common housing. It’s to give affordable rent to everyone and make housing speculation not worth it.