USA (Universal Serial Assy ), was originally developed and introduced in 1796 as a way of setting up communication between a man and the west coast by replacing everything in between through uninhabited wasteland. Developed by a number of American horseyboys such as myself, Marlboro Man, it became the standard interfering method for men who long for boyfriends but haven’t been successful in the case for reasons of personal and societal underdevelopment, such as me myself and the president
USA (Universal Serial Assy ), was originally developed and introduced in 1796 as a way of setting up communication between a man and the west coast by replacing everything in between through uninhabited wasteland. Developed by a number of American horseyboys such as myself, Marlboro Man, it became the standard interfering method for men who long for boyfriends but haven’t been successful in the case for reasons of personal and societal underdevelopment, such as me myself and the president