• Pete Hahnloser@beehaw.org
    7 months ago

    I don’t get podcasts. Like, I’ve tried, several times over the years, but I’d really rather read something in five minutes than hear it dragged out for an hour.

    So “where” I get my podcasts is already question-begging. I was pointed to one last week where the intro was all about things “everyone” experiences … getting the kids to school, what fast-food place to go to, arguing with the spouse about decor, usw. None of these applies to me, so I saw no reason to listen to the meat of the thing.

    Don’t assume your audience is like you. Sure, some people may get warm fuzzies that others have experienced the hell of deciding to pop out a kid, but distilling the human experience to having kids and all that comes with that is going to turn off a lot of people. We know it’s hell. That’s why some of us noped the fuck out.

    • randombullet@feddit.de
      7 months ago

      I only really listen to them while driving 3+ hours.

      My mind needs some engagement or I’ll fall asleep.

      I listen to Dark Net Diaries because I’m interested in Cyber security, this American life because of the varied stories, wait wait don’t tell me because it’s light hearted, and car talk because of the nostalgia. I’m planning on grabbing a prairie home companion because my father listened to it, makes me think of him.

      That being said. Dark Net is becoming a little more dramatic than I’d like, but it’s still good content.

    • helenslunch@feddit.nl
      7 months ago

      Podcasts are a background activity. You don’t just sit down and listen to them. You listen when driving, cooking, cleaning, exercising, etc.

      • h3ndrik@feddit.de
        7 months ago

        That is the correct answer. You don’t read a book while doing the chores. I also don’t whip out a Terry Pratchett novel while commuting when I know I have to change trains in 10 minutes. A podcast will do and you can keep listening while waiting on the platform. In the car I often listen to music instead, but sometimes I get bored and I’m more in the mood for an interesting podcast. Especially if I’m stuck in the car for a bit longer.

        When deliberately doing one thing only, I like to read. I can read the paragraphs as fast or as slow as I like or just skim them.

        The “secret” is: You have to find the podcasts you like. Some are just chat and drivel, some are more condensed. You might also like Audiobooks with stories instead of factual information. I don’t think you can make an absolute statement. Well, unless your brain isn’t wired for audio content. I’d get that nothing appeases you if that were the case.

        Nowadays everyone and their grandma has a podcast. Quality varies greatly and most of them are more talk and not anything of substance. it’s not easy to find the good ones in all of the noise. But they exist.

    • SecretPancake@feddit.de
      7 months ago

      So all Podcasts are bad because this one particular example was stupid? Why did you feel the need to bring that up? What you described you can find plenty in books, magazines or everywhere else.

      There are all kinds of podcasts for all kinds of interests. And the best thing is that people like you and me can make and publish them. I dislike many podcasts because they are superficial, loud, hectic or whatever but there are many others that just work for me.

      I usually listen to them while on a run, in the car or to fall asleep to.

      Unfortunately I don’t have recommendations for you because most of my subscribed podcasts are German* and the others are in the „fall asleep to“ category of men talking about tech. But if you’re interested in the latter, start at atp.fm or something on the relay.fm network.

      *if you are German speaking, I’ll gladly give recommendations