I hope this question is allowed here (since it is one of the search engines that i now use instead of google). I’m trying out Kagi. For the trial, you get to have 100 free searches, i belief. Is there a way to see how many searches i used up? I can only find stats for Kagi, not for my personal stats. How do you all like Kagi? And if so, do you pay for it? I’m considering paying, but i would like to have some insight into how many searches i actually perform on average in a month time. I honestly have no idea. What i also do lately is ask a question to a LLM (i found Petal), so that i have a start on where to search for more precisely. Sometimes, i get incorrect answers, but often it helps me get more of a handle on what i should be looking for when using a search engine. For example, i switched to Linux and Petal helps me understand some things better, which i can then use to do a more precise search.

  • nyankas@feddit.de
    9 months ago

    I think you should be able to see your current amount of searches in your billing settings.

    I use Kagi Ultimate since September now and really enjoy it. The search results are mostly equal or better in quality than Google‘s (far less SEO spam) and being able to customize search rankings for specific sites is something I wouldn’t want to miss anymore.

    I like using Kagi‘s assistant (AI) features as well, because it supports multiple backends (OpenAI, Anthropic and Google), so if one AI spouts garbage, I can try another one.