Like the Leia getting force powers out of nowhere in space. Sheesh.
There are some.
The Death Planet ih the new trilogy destroyed the exact same way as Luke destroyed the Death Star.
The fact that they realized that “parsec” is a length unit, and they came up with a total bullshit explanation for “doing the Kessel run in 12 parsec”.
Nearly every maintenance infrastructure built like a giant death trap. The reactor room where Maul killed Qui-Gon, the scene where Luke realizes that Vader is his father, and so on.
Any scene with older Anakin and Padme. All those love scenes were just cringe
I like the idea (I don’t want to call it a fan theory) that it resembles a typical “first love” relationship. Whose first relationship / young love was not cringe and full of awkward situations (for bystanders)?
Padme dying during labor. In an advanced medical tech universe. And the lamest explanation for it “she’s lost the will to live”…
Well that’s not how girls work and it’s quite a telling the script was written by a bloke.
Never thought of this, you’re not wrong.
On the other side her dying because she lost the will to life… is kind of a good explanation for an unlikely death in such an advanced civilization.
Obviously they could simply keep her alive despite any actual medical condition. So what else could she die of… except for a spiritual (I don’t know a better description) reason.
Kind of a “so bad it’s actually good” explanation.
She uses her powers to find Luke at the end of Episode V. (The scene you described is weird nonetheless)