It doesn’t have to be anything bad btw

    1 year ago

    My wife is very superstitious and I have never believed in ghosts or anything like that. Aliens, ghosts, magic, religions, totally confident that they aren’t real. When she told me she heard a weird voice calling her name one night I was incredibly skeptical and told her she was definitely dreaming because we live nowhere near anybody and it was -30 that night.

    I am never gonna tell her I heard the voice too.

      1 year ago

      I used to think (intelligent/hyper-advanced) extraterrestrial life was far-fetched, but despite being very skeptical by nature, I’ve recently changed my tune after deep diving into the subject of UAP.

      I recommend giving my write-up a read.

      My article is very throughly cited from valid sources. I’m not saying aliens are responsible for the UAP we’ve witnessed in our atmosphere, but I am inclined to admit it seems like a feasible explanation for the crafts that were confirmed by our government being witnessed all over the world, beginning in 1947.

      I know from past experience that many users will not follow that link, so I figured I’d share some important highlights to demonstrate that I’m not a crazy conspiracy theorist.

      Here is Maj. Gen. John Samford’s nationally televised 1952 address on the mass witnessed UFO/UAP events, which began in 1947.

      Here are snippets from the Twining Memo which specified that: "The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.”

      Here’s the 1948 “See Something, Say Something” memo of Bavaria, Germany regarding “flying discs.”

      In May 1948 the Office of Military Government for Bavaria, Germany, issued instructions for reporting sightings of “flying discs.” These instructions were issued as a result of requirements from higher headquarters in Germany and in the United States. They were the result of the flying saucer phenomena that began in 1947. [32]

      It’s been confirmed since 2017 that the U.S. government had a secret program devoted to the surveillance and study of UAP, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). [1]

      The existence of UAP as real objects in our atmosphere has been confirmed by the U.S. government. The Pentagon’s Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) was mandated to produce a report on UAP, and stated in their report that:

      "Most of the UAP reported probably do represent physical objects given that a majority of UAP were registered across multiple sensors, to include radar, infrared, electro-optical, weapon seekers, and visual observation.… UAP clearly pose a safety of flight issue and may pose a challenge to U.S. national security.

      Safety concerns primarily center on aviators contending with an increasingly cluttered air domain. UAP would also represent a national security challenge if they are foreign adversary collection platforms or provide evidence a potential adversary has developed either a breakthrough or disruptive technology. [11]"

      Of the 510 total UAP reports studied by ODNI, 171 remained “uncharacterized and unattributed,” and “some of these uncharacterized UAP appear to have demonstrated unusual flight characteristics or performance capabilities, and require further analysis." [11] Not only has the US government confirmed that UAP exist, they have admitted that they pose a serious safety risk to our pilots; both commercial and military.

      Furthermore, these crafts which appear to be exhibiting disruptive/breakthrough technology in comparison to our currently most advanced (publicly disclosed) conventional aircraft, were demonstrating these same feats over 65 years ago. I find it harder to believe we had such a significant breakthrough back in 1947, rather than tech originating from some non-human intelligence.

      In my article, I have linked previously classified correspondence in which the Air Force and other government agencies all confirmed with each other that the crafts in our atmosphere, starting in 1947, were not the product of any secret U.S. programs. The recommendation was to attempt to recreate these crafts, which is where USAF Project 1794 comes into play.

      Here is a link to the full Project 1794 PDF file in a downloadable format.

      It is important to note that the craft attempting to be designed here was not capable of achieving the feats of the “flying saucers” that were being witnessed all around the world at that time.

      Project 1794 also offers proof of the U.S. government’s ability to maintain classified information. I have seen the idiotic talking point parroted around that “The U.S. government couldn’t keep something like UFOs from the public all those years.” Why not?? USAF Project 1794 unequivocally refutes that argument. It was kept secret until it was declassified and sent to the National Archives. [31]

      TL;DR: Don’t be so quick to discount the possible existence of non-human intelligence…

      Edit: I always wonder if the people blanket downvoting assume these are fake documents, or if it’s just blatant confirmation bias, avoidance, and denial? They are easily verifiable. If you’re here just jumping to conclusions that this is false because it’s easier to believe that, consider that you are failing to maintain intellectual integrity. That’s not skepticism; it’s bias and being too ignorant to even consider a possibility that is outside of your internalized beliefs. It’s a demonstration of closed-mindedness. You’re like the people from the movie Don’t Look Up.

      If you’re so confident, read my blog post and challenge your preconceived beliefs.

        1 year ago

        Full disclaimer: I maybe read 10% of your comment.

        Why is the government (all governments really) hiding it from us?

        Why don’t the aliens want to be seen? And why do we still observe them sometimes? Given their far far superior tech it shouldn’t be hard for them to avoid being detected.