• sylver_dragon@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    RNGesus take the wheel!
    I actually find it much more comforting to believe that there isn’t any sort of supernatural phenomena. And that our universe is entirely the product of explainable natural laws, through likely quantum and probabilistic in may nature. Along with random chance.

    If the universe is fully a system of laws, then we can have some measure of control over the outcome. If the universe is ruled by supernatural forces which we can neither categorize nor understand, then we have no control and at any second those supernatural powers could just decide, “fuck this, time to shake the cosmic Etch-a-Sketch!” Or maybe, “fuck you, in particular”. No control, no need for explainable reasons, just an almighty toddler whose temper tantrums mean death and destruction.

    Yes, a universe without some sort of supernatural system playing backstop to death also sucks. It means that when you die you cease to exist. And that’s terrifying. It also means that the only meaning in life is what you make of it. At the same time, I get to define my life and don’t have to live according to some arbitrary supernatural definition either. That’s a pretty good trade, I my view.

    In the end, the rejection of the supernatural is both terrifying and freeing. You have to accept that there is no one out there helping you or that there will be anything on the other side of death. But, that frees you to make your life truly your own. You get to define your own purpose, without some huckster telling you that you are bad for enjoying the enjoyable things in life. Or some organization scaring you into giving up what you have earned, because their sky wizard can provide everything they need, except all the things they actually need.

    Stop looking for someone else to tell you the propose of your life and instead realize that you are the purpose of your life.

    • statist43@feddit.de
      10 months ago

      No control, no need for explainable reasons, just an almighty toddler whose temper tantrums mean death and destruction.

      This are some good words. Because I think we would see or be able to tell if somewhere in our observable universe there are truly random situations, happening out of nowhere. But there are none, what we observe now are mustly just proof of concepts some really wise people made in the last centuries.

      From the biggest to the smalles (for us) observable objects we cannot see irregular interference. So there is nothing what changes without the energy it needs to change. (At least that we know of)

      This cease to exist part, coupled to the sheer hard-explainably complex stuff which happens around us is I think the root of our religious believes and the idea of an afterlife - Because we have to go somewhere dont we?

      But what is it what “goes” somewhere and what is it what even is going right now?

      Its just a complex form of energy transfer happening between our synapses. Thats whats happening. We cant detect something else which is controlling us than our brain, and what happens in our brain can be explained pretty well by ohr understanding of how our neurochemistry works. (Why it does what is does and where it comes from is still up to debate) but there is no blackbox, which uses energy and is controlling us.

      I think we just need to accept that we have this experience and can do what we want with it, because sometime in the future it will end for each of us.

      And if there is a god in the end, and a life after, it will be enlightning I hope and I will give it my full respect how it hid itself so well, and for how the universe turned out to be, I hope it will understand. But all this torture in the afterlife stuff is really not fitting into all of this.