• Global surge in antisemitic incidents following the conflict between Hamas and Israel, affecting Jewish communities in various countries.
  • Antisemitic acts range from verbal abuse to physical assaults, often justified by anger over the Gaza conflict.
  • In areas like the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and South Africa, antisemitic incidents have increased several hundred percent compared to the same period last year.
  • Official responses vary, with Western authorities generally quick to support Jewish communities, while some countries like China have not taken steps to curtail antisemitic content online.

Media Bias Fact Check (Reuters):

Overall, we rate Reuters Least Biased based on objective reporting and Very High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information with minimal bias and a clean fact check record.

  • HeyThisIsntTheYMCA@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    If you keep telling people that any criticism of Israel is antisemitism, and the IDF goes out and commits war crimes, don’t be surprised if people say “well if I’m gonna be called antisemitic for hating war crimes I might as well go all the way to actual antisemitism”. It seems kind of obvious.

    • NuXCOM_90Percent@lemmy.zip
      11 months ago

      If the only thing keeping you from being a bigot is people patting you on the tummy then… you are a bigot.

      The issue that has become increasingly apparent throughout this (and any other time people remember that the Palestinians exist) is that: Yes, you can be anti-Zionist (for a range of definitions of “zionist”) without being anti-Semitic. But it is REAL easy to not stop with the former when there is such a strong push to be incredibly careful how we refer to Hamas (the de facto government of Gaza) and Palestine with almost no care being given toward the IDF (and Mossad and Netanyahu) and Israel. Or why the Israelis are in the region to begin with or how much of their demographics are refugees from nearby Arab nations.

      Which kind of gets back to the idea of: When your rant is indistinguishable from that of a bigot…

      To make it clear: The IDF are horrifying monsters who are actively engaging in genocide. Hamas are terrorists. And this is more or less a war between two countries at this point. But when talking points are “Fuck Israel, they never deserved to be there in the first place. Kick them all out” without even an acknowledgement of WHY they are there (and why “The West” supported them going there in the 40s…)? Well, if it quacks like a duck…

      • Jesus_666@feddit.de
        11 months ago

        Yeah, it’s basically terrible people shooting at terrible people at the behest of terrible people with tons of civilians (on both sides) having to suffer because of it. And because of how the situation works it’s hard for anyone involved to not get sucked into this maelstrom of hatred.

        And to think that there have been a number of times when this could’ve been avoided but hasn’t because the people with the power to do so either didn’t care or deliberately made things worse to further their own interests. (Or tried but were removed from power by more ruthless people.)

        It’s a horrible, convoluted, heartbreaking, multicontinental multi-century mess that’s almost impossible to even talk about without wronging someone.

        And some assholes take that as an excuse.