I had the same behaviour, I played everything with mouse and keyboard. Dead Cells, Assassins Creed, Sekiro, Dark Souls, etc. Then with Elden Ring I gave the controller a try just to see how it is, and it worked flawlessly. I think it is just about with what you to a game first.
I started Convergence. It is pretty entertaining and also somewhat challenging on highest difficulty.
As someone who almost always plays mouse and keyboard on PC, I had a few struggles with Convergence feeling like it was made console-first.
I understand why, but it just makes me want to go play Hollow Knight or something.
I had the same behaviour, I played everything with mouse and keyboard. Dead Cells, Assassins Creed, Sekiro, Dark Souls, etc. Then with Elden Ring I gave the controller a try just to see how it is, and it worked flawlessly. I think it is just about with what you to a game first.