• bunkrra@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago


    first, your isp sse everything even with vpn, i doenst matter. Rhe data stream is isp owned, with vpn you will just have different ip addrees of yours. You can rotate ip adress with vpn but that is same, they can associate otherwise, ypu device is leaking more than just ip address. not sure if vpn is even a solution cause moat of the servers providing vpns got lowered speeds fpr p2p, at least from my experience. I dont believe shit for the payed vpns, like nord vpn, you will just point on yourself, as,vpn is also,a,aimgle point of failure (your whole traffic is flowing cross one, monitored point, noone and i mean noone can,tell me othervise, all,servers got logs, all are monitored, its basic operarional stuff)

    second, p2p connection is flowing cross specific ports on the net by default. (https://www.researchgate.net/figure/List-of-well-known-ports-used-by-various-peer-to-peer-P2P-protocols_tbl1_347789431)meaning isp doesnt need to do much effort to filter who is doing torrents. For example in Germany, isp is actively monitoring the ports and when u torrent, they will downgrade your up/down net speed for time beening and if you will continue with torrents they will cut you off from connection totally. in swizz ypu will be cut off immidiately and with fat fine to pay.

    third, ypu didnt state why you like to hide your torrent activity? best to chcek a basic law, check local community with their experiemces and how law enforcement is doing their work, important is alao how friendly is a state with usa/hollywood > american lobby. If tou are locatwd in third world country dont bother, if you dont mind to be somewhere blacklisted, i mean your device, ip address and location address (ypu are saying u like to seed, if you are paet of some bigger thingy forget what i just wrote) isp has to have a proper system set up (operational costs) and with poor law enforcement they will not prosecute you.

    forth, if you are looking for longterm solution and seed thousands, i would suggest to set a proxy farm in front of the machine and rotate ip addresses regularly, no windows no microsoft, host it on some server with no propietary software located is best in some 3rd world,country. Set the machinw thqt,it will be also flushing metadata,regularly and suppling fake data automaticaly. this is juat no easy task to do. From time to time change also,a phusical address, if you will be seeding alot, you will at some point be a target fpr someone, as i mwntioned american lobby, just check tprrentfreak how the raids are going, from time to time the will do a action cross the globe and then people going to jail.

    ps- why,join marine when you can be.a pirate

    • foonex@feddit.de
      2 years ago

      Your first and second points are incorrect.

      First, no your ISP cannot see anything if you are using a VPN. They only see encrypted packages and might be able to determine that you are using a VPN but they absolutely cannot tell what data you are sending or receiving.

      Second, I have never experienced that a ISP in Germany throttles torrenting, even without VPN. Torrenting per se is not illegal, you can download Linux ISOs via torrent. We still have net neutrality in the EU and in Germany. Throttling torrents would violate net neutrality and would be illegal AFAIK.