I haven’t made a new thread weekly exactly, but with the amount of activity it might need to be fortnightly, here’s another recommendations thread.

Let everyone know below a game (6+ months old), that you have played recently, are currently playing or intend to play soon.

  • squidsarefriends@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    Heroes of the Storm! Pick one out of over 80 heroes to fulfill your role in a team of 5 and try to destroy the other team‘s core.

    Blizzard‘s take on the MOBA genre is something I come back to from time to time.

    The character and map design is awesome and one match allows you to level up your character to counter enemy strategies and be become the kind of healer/tank/mage/dps/supporter your team needs.

    It‘s awesome. And free.

      • squidsarefriends@feddit.de
        1 year ago

        The game offers a short tutorial and an AI mode. There you can get familiar with the first heroes that are available to you and the maps. Find a character you like and mess around with his abilities and skill trees. You have all the time in the world.

        It‘s considered a beginner friendly MOBA. You have your standard attack, 2-4 special abilities and an heroic attack at level 10 (20 is the max level).

        As soon as you feel ready to play competitively, there are several game modes available for you.

        Since it’s free just give it a try. Becoming good in this game is part of the journey!

  • feedum_sneedson@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Just played System Shock 2, it was pretty good.

    Who can recommend me some similarly good games, similarly able to run on a bog-standard laptop? I’ve no interest in buying a gaming PC or any of that stuff, you never needed one to play Theme Hospital or whatever.

    I know I’m asking for 3D games but you know what I mean. I just want to fuck around on the laptop I use for work, not drop a grand on hardware just to game for a few hours.

    Edit: going to try Far Cry (the original).

    • 22rw@feddit.de
      1 year ago

      I didnt play seither of the system shock games, but i would recommend Prey (2017) (Currently on 75% Sale) - SciFi / Alien setting with gorgeous gameplay due to the almost perfectly implemented Immersive Sim (Same genre as the System Shock games) mechanics. Its one of those games, that make you feel smart and creative while playing & also gives you such a high degree of freedom, that almost nothing feels forced - there is always another way! Got be one of my all time favourites, currently preparing for my 4th playthrough.

      Should also be able to run on weaker hardware.

      • feedum_sneedson@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I’ve heard of it, thanks for the recommendation. I’ll put in on the wishlist. Struggling through STALKER at the moment - can’t decide if I like it or not.

        • 22rw@feddit.de
          1 year ago

          STALKER is also on my wishlist, sitting there crammed between ~60 other games i’ll probably never get to buy/play xD

          What do you dislike about it?

          • feedum_sneedson@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            I can’t find a way to successfully play it that maintains enough realism to be properly satisfying.

            The controls are awkwardly difficult in a way I can’t properly explain, I’m finding it interferes with the immersion a bit. Particularly the aiming system and the fact a headshot doesn’t kill unarmoured human characters in the early game. Also there’s a lot of running from point A to point B and back again.

            Even so, I think I probably like it. I’m just finding that frustrating in a way that isn’t particularly fun. You’ll get a bunch of people online saying the difficulty is somehow meant to reflect the mood of the game, personally I don’t think that makes much sense.

            • 22rw@feddit.de
              1 year ago

              Yeah, I usually don’t like the difficulty/depth either if it breaks the immersion and feels artificial/forced. Maybe there are some community mods/official settings to change that?

              A lot of games unfortunately tend to increase the “difficulty” by making the tasks more tedious, rather than changing the actual gameplay :/ Stalker seems to fit the bill in terms of your criticism.

              I think I’ll give it a try anyway, thanks for the insights!