Takes deep breath
Democratic vs Autocratic systems
Dangers of Fascism(WW2)
Woman (voting) rights
Workers rights
Racial Segregation
Abortion rights
Invasion of Iraq
Banking Crisis(Lack of Regulation)
Ozone Layer
Climate Change
Infinite Growth, Resources, yada yada
Just a little excerpt
Basically every major crisis in the last 100+ years was well forseen by leftists pointing at it saying “guys this will definitely go wrong” and there were always people shouting “shut up you little sissy treehugger” at them
Since when are the leftists right?
Takes deep breath Democratic vs Autocratic systems Dangers of Fascism(WW2) Slavery Woman (voting) rights Workers rights Racial Segregation Vietnam Abortion rights Invasion of Iraq Banking Crisis(Lack of Regulation) Pollution Ozone Layer Climate Change Infinite Growth, Resources, yada yada
Just a little excerpt
Basically every major crisis in the last 100+ years was well forseen by leftists pointing at it saying “guys this will definitely go wrong” and there were always people shouting “shut up you little sissy treehugger” at them