If the DM asks you you really want to do something look at their expression and do it anyway.
If you want to do something really stupid, crazy or narrativly disruptive look towards your fellow players to get their consent. Then do it.
The time to argue technicalities is outside of sessions to not waste precious gametime. Do it during sessions only if you are into that weird shit.
The best way to get to use new character options is through DM bribes. In this case a sourcebook is recommended.
If you help clean up afterwards you may get inspiration.
Snacks are an acceptable bribe
If you flirt with an NPC or a dragon… You’re making the DM either very uncomfortable, or you are turning him/her on.
be me, minotaur barbarian be in dungeon see weird stone with black stuff around brain yells “I wanna try that stuff” conscuisness asks “you wanna try, like how?” “I wanna stick my fingers in the stuff and put them in my mouth” get angry because consciousness is a buzzkill put fingers in stuff burns like hell black pudding hits me in the face, get knocked out by the acid damage nearly die Mfw didn’t even get to taste black pudding