Ah yes the forgotten land of uncompleted tasks. Slated to be a hotfix when it becomes a problem.
Everywhere I’ve ever been,
If it’s lower than “High” or “2”, it’s as good as “backlog” :)
(There can never be a priority “1” and seldom “Highest”, never “Blocker”, otherwise the CEO gets a text or something.)
Scrum Master: “Do we really have to make it a blocker?”
Me: “Uh yeah. It’s blocking these three other tasks.”
Scrum Master: “But is it really?”
Me: “Yes.”
Scrum Master: “Let’s just leave it on in development and we can review the progress tomorrow.”
Me: “That’s what you said yesterday.”
Scrum Master: “Alright guys. I’m going to give you back five minutes of your time today.”
Don’t forget breaking everything up into ever-smaller tasks just so that something, anything, can be closed every day. 😂 Because the process matters, not the work.
“Why does your burndown chart have long flat lines and then quickly jumps down a lot? I’s supposed to be a straight diagonal line.”
My longest lived backlog task is 3 years old
Those are rookie numbers!