There is no denying that white supremacy is an engine of the right.

There are some Republican voters who are sympathetic to their party’s ultranationalist turnand don’t believe the party’s attitudes toward issues such as immigration and crime are the products of racial animus. But over and over again, right-wing leaders and thinkers reveal that white supremacism is an engine of this movement.

The latest example comes via an episode of “The Tucker Carlson Show” released this week, in which the former Fox News host interviews podcast host and newsletter writer Darryl Cooper. Carlson, arguably the most influential right-wing nationalist commentator in America, said Cooper “may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States.” But Cooper has made clear that his intellectual project regarding World War II includes Holocaust revisionism.

    28 days ago

    According to and their Holocaust Timeline, Hitler said during a Reichstag speech in January 1939:

    if war erupts it will mean the Vernichtung (extermination) of European Jews

    So before the war even started, when these people were already surviving in the world, eating, etc, the Nazis and Hitler already knew feeding them would be a logistical problem best solved by death?

    The Chelmno (Kulmhof) extermination camp began operations on December 8, 1941, literally one day after Pearl Harbor, far before Germany was “losing” the war. And camps don’t just pop up overnight, especially ones that earn the denomination of being an extermination camp, so was this just more logistical foresight on behalf of those oh so kind Nazi officials?

    From the same source regarding the Kulmhof Extermination Camp opening:

    340,000 Jews, 20,000 Poles and Czechs murdered by April 1943

    Or the March 17, 1942 Entry:

    Extermination begins in Belzec; by end of 1942 600,000 Jews murdered

    Wow, the German 6th Armored didn’t surrender at Stalingrad until January 1943, and the Allies didn’t invade until June 1944, so that’s an awful lot of “mercy killing” happening before the Nazis knew they were going to lose the war.

    And FYI, just because the Nazis didn’t begin their extermination campaign until after the war began, doesn’t mean their actions don’t signal what their intentions were from the start: Dachau opened in March 1933, Jewish Germans were barred from military service in 1935, Jewish doctors barred from practicing medicine in 1936, immigrant Jews having their German citizenship status revoked, the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, Kristallnacht in 1938… Like, you see all this, right?

    Where do I need to start explaining stuff here?

      28 days ago

      So I said:

      Do you just not know most of the death wasn’t till Nazis understood they were likely going to lose the war?

      And you link about less than a million deaths…

      Do you think 1 out of 17 million is a majority?

      Then there’s a big rant about other stuff you didn’t understand…

      But I won’t get to that, one thing at a time because it’s concerning we’re going in the wrong way.

      6/17 isn’t bigger than half, and 1/17 is a lot less than half, you need the top number to get bigger

          28 days ago

          So, nothing but insults?

          And accusing the people who don’t want to ignore the majority of Holocaust victims the whole ones denying the Holocaust?

          I’m not the one ignoring 11 million deaths because they’re not Jewish.

            28 days ago

            Ok, so then what was the plan? If the killing was a mercy, and was expedited by Germany losing the war, what was the plan for the 17 million collective people? Because I provided such a dismally low number of under one million in response to your comment saying the only reason the Nazis started killing more quickly was because they were losing. And those one million (more, since I’m sure my source didn’t count all deaths, only those who were Jewish) mattered to people, so they mean no less than the other 16 million killed later during the war.

            I’m waiting, I’ve provided sources regardless of whether you respect them, you’ve provided nothing to back up any of your claims, so why don’t you refute my apparently unfounded claims of you being a holocaust denier?

            Is that civil enough for a discussion with a holocaust denier, moderators? I’m glad we have to respect the opinions of holocaust deniers, god bless tolerating the intolerant. 🙄