Is it normal to feel/become so much more egotistic/self-absorbed (maybe become more aware about how egotistical you already are?) on acid? Is it possible to minimise or outright prevent those tendencies, during trips (or even just in day to day life)? I love almost everything about acid experiences except those ones that make me confront how sad, lonely and terrible of a person I am lol.

I guess, in some ways, bad trips are also good in that they can be really quite sobering and prevent me from outright abusing the stuff.

Similarly, if it weren’t for the fact that ayahuasca tastes so fucking terrible and causes me to puke my guts out literally every single time, I reckon I’d probably consume it on the reg as I love the way it makes me feel like I’m one with everything and makes me forget who I am as an individual (not to mention all the pretty images of course). But unfortunately (or maybe fortunately), it tastes like what I imagine Satan’s bunghole probably tastes like.

  • oberstoffensichtlich
    1 month ago

    To really change the feeling, you will have to change your life. Integrate what you learn into your daily life. Start small, you can’t change everything at once.

    There are also things you can’t change, those you can learn to accept with time.

    There’s also the alternative to suppress any bad feelings with benzodiazepines. They will dull your trip somewhat, but relief anxiety and discomfort.

    it weren’t for the fact that ayahuasca tastes so fucking terrible and causes me to puke my guts out literally every single time,

    Try pharmahuasca or pure extracted harmaline with pure extracted DMT instead of a jungle plant concoction. Psilocybin mushrooms and LSD are other alternatives.