• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • That or they just die.

    Ever walk to your corporate job downtown in the morning, and notice a blanketed lump in the alley outside your building?

    Then when you’re out for lunch, you walk by the same alleyway…

    … and the lump is gone, replaced by two municipal workers with flamethrowers, sanitizing the liquid decay of the dead body?

    Yeah, that caused me to have an existential crisis and radicalize, long ago when I was a bushy young corpo with a ‘promising future.’

  • Dave Ramsey is possibly one of the best examples of a mediocre white man failing upward.

    His entire origin story is literally failing multiple times at being a real estate investor until he finally got lucky and it worked out.

    His life story illustrates basically perfectly that if you have enough money and luck, you can be pretty wealthy basically extremely easily.

    I say easily because any fucking moron can spew self help bullshit.

    Sure, the debt snowball is generally a good strategy, but the rest of his advice is basically slave away, sigma grindset (before that term came about), eat rice and beans for 5 years so that you can be well off after the best years of your life have gone by.

    He is a walking talking manifestation of survivorship bias, and there have been many times he gets offended by the idea that everyone cannot be as lucky as him, which he incorrectly thinks is because they are lazy or stupid.

    Anyway, Adam Smith should be but is not famous for basically deriding landlords as parasites.

    They always leave that out of American Econ textbooks. I know because I have a BS in Econ and had to randomly stumble across this outside of my coursework.

    It should go without saying that, as with any conservative, they know nothing about Marx beyond the Communist Manifesto (at best, usually its just 'Communism is when government gives money to the poors) which contains next to nothing of his thoughts on Economics compared to his other works.

    It would take an actual Economist or something like that to explain to this insane number of ways that it gets easier and easier to make more money once you are already wealthy, the number of ways the average citizen pays in ways they do not immediately see to subsidize all kinds of businesses.

  • I give it max 5 rounds before the front of the tripod dislodges from the window sill and either falls forward out the window or backward.

    Assuming the window is not somehow fused into being one with gun.

    Then I guess it would be around 5 rounds before also the window shatters?

    Also the ladder would collide with the grips on the m2 for what seems like a lot of otherwise useable firing angles.

  • Sorry, Ive been posting too much and probably could have made that more clear.

    To me the satire/commentary of many elements of American society, politics as one of the main ones has been evident from the get go.

    But to most of the overtly right wing or right leaning people i know personally, and online commentary people…

    …theyve basically largely loved the boys, seemingly not noticing how any of the obvious satire of the modern right wing is stage center, until this latest season.

    Which I find absurd.

  • What I have noticed is a large uptick of commentators who liked The Boys … until season 4, when it went woke.

    I occupy the unenviable position of being someone who is a leftist but also thinks that most of Star Wars of the last decade has been plauged with terrible writing, so I get to swim through reviews to find people with substantive criticisms beyond “argh i hate women and diversity argh!”

    Anyway, to me watching the reaction to the Boys has been an excercise in absurdity.

    The vast, vast majority of right wing types are seemingly completely immune to understanding exactly what is being satirized. Its all characters and an inversion of superhero tropes to them, until quite recently.

    I would normally say they did not pick up on the subtext of political commentary being made. But its so fucking obvious by even Season 2, it cannot possibly be called subtext to anyone with a functioning neocortex.

    Only now do they seem to realize the show has basically been lampooning the Maga movement the entire time.

  • I mean, I agree with you that most military leaders and soldiers would not do this.

    But your own example kind of shows the likely strategy:

    What did Hitler do? What did Stalin do?

    Fire or banish or kill enough leaders until you get ones that will listen to you, and re orient your troop pools so that you have a decent number of whole units that are ideologically aligned and thus likely to comply.

    Trump’s entire modus operandi, now crystalized in extreme detail with Project 2025, has been figure out a way to replace everyone who is not an ideologically aligned stooge willing to literally break existing laws to carry out the whims of the God Emperor, at literally every level of government.

    I obviously cannot know that this would be successful or in what timeframe.

    I can only look to history for many examples of similar things occuring, and see more and more checked boxes making this more likely.

    I’m sure the militaries of many other coup’d countries are told not to follow illegal orders, and I’m also sure that many in our modern military and time would resist, perhaps even violently as Stauffenberg did.

    But the trend is looking astonishingly bad.

  • Hypothetical and rhetorical questions designed to evoke contemplative but reasoned thought, or absurd hilarities, or a plausible future scenario are one thing.

    Its completely different when its an absurd loyalty bullshit test that only has wrong answers.

    Answer with loyalty to the point that it endangers your own life?

    Ok, status quo.

    Answer reasonably, or ask why such ridiculous questions are being asked?

    Anger, grief, ammo to use in future arguments.

    This scenario was extremely and needlessly combative on the female partner’s part.

    Even if this person was legitimately traumatized by past or recent events, that does not make her behavior acceptable.

  • So, fair warning, I am autistic, but also, I’ve had several multi year relationships with people of differing similarities to this person, here’s my read of this:

    This is extremely manipulative and abusive behavior toward you.

    You forgot about a text after a hard day of work.

    She got angry and refused to speak with you for hours because you missed a text.

    And you say this is apparently normal behavior.

    That is fucking absurd, to be frank.

    Before any of the rest of the story, that alone is bonkers.

    Just do the reverse situation in your head. You’re out late for some on location work event, text her and ask if she can be there when you get back home. She forgets.

    Would you be so angry or disappointed that you would refuse to speak to her for 3 hours, would that be something she would accept as normal behavior from you, and would she be inclined to blame herself and totally accept this punishment from you as appropriate?

    The rest of this story is she wakes you up in the middle and questions you with absurd nonsensical questions that are all specifically designed as loyalty tests.

    I had a 3 year relationship with a person like this.

    She was schizophrenic, massively physically, mentally and emotionally abusive toward me.

    I am of course not going to say your partner is schizophrenic based off of this alone, I am just saying that reading your story immediately sent me back into the mindstate and memories of my own.

    It is however clear to me that your acceptance of this kind of behavior as normal, up until the middle of the night nonsense questioning, to me this indicates that she is utterly dominating you into total submission, and you think this is normal.

    It is not.

    Fucking bail out immediately is what I would do.

    It is completely absurd to think that she could somehow have been kidnapped in the 30 seconds between getting out of an uber and walking to your door.

    If she actually believed she was in real danger of being kidnapped, she almost certainly would have told you why, and would have asked you to evaluate her why and what to do to prevent it.

    Shes fucking grooming you when she guilt trips you into saying you’d murder someone on her account in a totally hypothetical situation that she is taking extremely seriously.

    She is trying to make you feel extremely guilty for things that 1) are not and would not be your fault if they occured and 2) have almost 0 chance of actually occurring.

    Maybe there is a 1% chance she will open up later and tell you, wow ok, i was really on edge last night, here is why: and then recount an actual, unlikely but possible extremely unnerving situation.

    Or, she is cheating on you or has done something you would be greatly displeased with if you found out, and this is all a reflection/distraction technique. She felt guilty so she leaped at any chance to make you into the bad guy.

    Again, I obviously cannot say with any certainty that is what is actually going on, but I can certainly say that she is a highly manipulative and abusive person if you find it normal for her to just completely give you the silent treatment for hours for an inconsequential error.

  • When I did Karate… oh god my Sensei would thwap me for not knowing the name, but we practiced form with basically a wooden 2x4, vertically placed in a mount, with twine wrapped around the target area.

    The point of the thing was repetitious form practice.

    If you hit it too hard, it would recoil and then come back and hit you again.

    Hit it too soft and there’s no noise at all.

    A neat way of moderating how hard you’re supposed to be striking.

    Anyway, sorry your hands go numb sometimes =(

  • Oh trust me I know.

    After being raised on Rush Limbaugh on AM radio by my Dad, realizing that was all bullshit, and watching my drunk, irresponsible dad become a Q Anon level Magatard…

    I know.

    Intentionally ignorant might be a better way of phrasing it?

    Ignorance alone is like… did you put mustard on X’s sandwich? She’s allergic! Oh fuck I didn’t know.

    Intentional ignorance is not like this, its like doing everything you can to avoid or reject any information that does not reinforce your core identity (usually while also denying that that is your core identity).