• cogman@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Are people on the left saying this?

    The 2 things I’ve really not liked about biden is he

    1. Continued trump era boarder policies significantly harming refugees.

    2. Has doggedly supported israel in their current genocide campaign.

    Other wise his admin has ranged from pretty good to business as usual. 1000% better than trump, but also with some glaring problems.

  • arthurpizza@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Not sure who you think The Left™ is but we’re mostly angry about him supporting genocide. I guess because he did so those good things we should just ignore that?

      • 0xD@infosec.pub
        9 months ago

        People do not understand diplomacy or war , don’t care about informing themselves or understanding nuance, and like acting and feeling smart. Most of this criticism is purely emotional.

        The US and Israel have a very tight strategic relationship and part of it is the US delivering weapons to them. Now the Israelis are annihilating Gaza/Palestine because of the Hamas, and many are demanding a “ceasefire” and holding the US responsible for not stopping the weapons deliveries.


        Now, there’s certainly a lot to criticize about Israel’s lack of care against civilian casualties. However, the calls for a ceasefire agreement with the Hamas, who literally do not care about anything other than sowing chaos and discord and destroying Israel, is naive at best and completely dumb and malicious at worst.

        If the US stops all weapons deliveries, the Hamas will just recoup and continue to harass Israel. It should be noted as well that the Hamas have shown time and time again to not care about their own population and that they just love using them for their personal gain, especially in international appearances (like this “Genocide Joe” circle jerk).

        Because of Israel’s lack of care for civilians the US is now, at least according to the media, putting more and more pressure on Israel to watch human rights if they want to keep the endless weapons supplies.

        It’s quite a complicated topic and I’m not an expert myself, but many takes on it out there just completely disregard reality in favor of catchy slogans and appeals to emotion.


        • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
          9 months ago

          It’s quite a complicated topic and I’m not an expert myself, but many takes on it out there just completely disregard reality in favor of catchy slogans and appeals to emotion.

          It’s really not, ethnostates are categorically shit and there’s no fucking nuance there. You said it yourself “Israel” is a geostrategic interest of the US, because of its location.

          if “Israel” didn’t exist, the US would have to create it. That’s a direct quote from Joe Biden.

          The “pressure” they’re applying is just for the cameras to spin and gullible rubes to believe. The actions speak far louder. 3 aircraft carrier groups mobilized because the second-poorest country in the middle east was trying to interfere with “Israels” genocide. They could stop weapons shipments at any time, they have instead sped them up.

          • ormr@feddit.de
            9 months ago

            There’s always nuance, you’re very wrong here. Israel is an ethnostate for very good reasons and (excluding the occupied areas) it’s clearly no apartheid state. Although it’s a Jewish state, the arabic Israelis within Israeli territory are not 2nd class citizens.

            If just one of the countless “Genocide!” screamers on the internet could explain the discrepancy between the criticism of Israels behaviour and the concurrent absolute non-existence of any Jewish minority whatsoever in any of Israels neighbours… That would be great. While these are not all ethnostates they have eradicated or expelled their respective Jewish minorities a long time ago. But Israel is shit because it’s an ethnostate? Lol

            • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
              9 months ago

              the ethnostate apologizer has arrived. It is an apartheid state, that’s why South Africa has felt so compelled to call it out for its actions.

              Before the british and french showed up, there were muslims, christians, and jews living side by side across the ottoman empire. Sure it had its problems, but consolidating all the jews into a US-backed military ethnostate is not the answer.

              It served British, and now US geostrategic interests.

              • ormr@feddit.de
                9 months ago

                I also don’t think that it’s a good answer and I fully agree that the status quo of the ottoman empire was better and by a lot. Nevertheless there are double standards in how Israels actions are viewed by many self-proclaimed progressives or leftists when compared with the conditions in other countries in the middle east.

                And just stating that this state of affairs is the fault of the US and European colonialist nations is devoid of nuance, obviously wrong and does not lead to any solutions at all.

                • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
                  9 months ago

                  I have lots of issues with the social conditions of the various colonized countries surrounding Israel, but I still offer them critical support in their resistance against colonial occupation.

                  I really don’t think that highlighting the historical culpability of the US/european interests in the current situation is robbing any nuance from the discussion. Across many different colonial occupations there has often been some social issue pointed to as the “reason” why it’s “ok” for the savages to be colonized, because it’s bringing civilization.

                  It may sound benevolent, but it that’s just european chauvinism, creating the terrain for poverty, then acting like the social reaction rising from poverty and occupation as some sort of inherent characteristic in a post-hoc justification.

  • ranoss@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Could someone link me the bar graph in the bottom most panel?

    It would be nice to refer to when this is brought up by relatives.

  • Zuberi 👀@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    9 months ago

    To the feds in the chat that think running some bizarre psyop for dark brandon is going to work, you need to format your shit better. Pay somebody to do the job better than the people you currently pay. Fonts, messaging, everything. (What program did you even use to get dynamically sized lines like this lol?..)

    You can try to make us ignore the MIC/1%'s power over both sides, but when the people truly wake the fuck up, remember that you’re leaving a massive trail of evidence.

    Ignore the genocide ladies and gentlemen, make sure you “never” vote 3rd party because it would “never” work.

    Lesser of Two Evils? How about the fuck no.

    I will not vote for Trump.

    I will not vote for Biden.

    Your move DNC.

    • Ekybio@lemmy.world
      9 months ago


      Biden: Kinda meh, has a lot of flaws

      Trump: Literal Fascist Dictator

      “Both Sides equally bad, trust me bro”

      Look, it is pretty simple:

      At the Vote: Lesser of two Evils

      Rest of the time: Organise for Change!

      It should not be that difficult guys, why do we need to repeat this again?

      • ormr@feddit.de
        9 months ago

        They probably understand but prefer to not vote for the lesser evil out of emotional reasons. IMO this behaviour appears to be similar to people voting for neoliberal far-right parties out of fear and disappointment although it’s completely detrimental to their interests.

        Sadly it’s very hard to persuade people with rational arguments if their behaviour is driven by emotions.

        • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
          9 months ago

          Sadly it’s very hard to persuade people with rational arguments if their behaviour is driven by emotions.

          I would like to take concrete steps towards the US murdering fewer brown people. As a trans person things have got worse under Biden (I don’t care about being able to serve in the fucking military lmao).

          For all the fashy rhetoric from Trump (he almost literally demanded a kent state during the floyd protests), the squishy center pretended to care about opposing the government when it was doing terrible things. From my perspective that opposition was clearly all coming from a sense of tribalism, because our government is doing worse things now and we’re getting memes about how baller joe biden is.

          When the Republicans end up in power they’re like the dog catching the car because they have to do all their unpopular stuff in the open and everyone hates them. When Democrats are in power everyone stops caring when they do demonic shit, so it’s full steam ahead with world war 3. Clearly nuance is lost on liberals and they need a BBEG (painted red) in power in order for them to oppose their own government.

          • ormr@feddit.de
            9 months ago

            I shouldn’t weigh in that much as I don’t live in the US and only follow US politics from a distance.

            I can even very much understand the opposition against the “lesser of 2 evils” notion. Of course I also have emotions (haha) and when I look at the far-right populists in my own country and how the established parties have failed so many people and let the rise of inequality continue… Then I too don’t want to vote for the lesser of two evils.

            But I regularly realise how my emotions misguide me. How I become more blind to the reasons why politicians (even conservative ones) act like they do and that it’s not just out of greed, evil and ignorance. How complicated the world is and how grey instead of black and white. Luckily I live in a country where a respectful discourse between political rivals does occasionally happen and allows me to deradicalise myself a bit.

            If you want to take concrete steps toward the US murdering fewer brown people, the question IMO would be “where do I have the most leverage with my vote?” If you think that voting neither for Biden, nor for Trump does that, that’s perfectly fine for me and it’s your right, of course. I doubt that voting for a 3rd party in the US has any leverage at all but surely I’m no expert.

    • RedditEnjoyer@lemmy.worldOP
      9 months ago

      This is a leftist meme – It’s showing all the accomplishments Joe Biden made, and yes he is a leftist.

  • Diva (she/her)@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    “far left nutjobs think joe biden hasn’t done anything, check out this list of things that are either fake, symbolic, or terrible”

    The problem is that centrists seem to actually think the following are ‘good’ things:

    • Enabling and supplying Israeli genocide

    • Bombing Yemen for trying to interfere with the Israeli genocide

    • Prevented negotiations in Ukraine

    • Over a million COVID deaths

    • Most active border concentration camps ever

    • yetAnotherUser@feddit.de
      9 months ago

      Prevented negotiations in Ukraine

      As in, they supplied Ukraine with military aid? That’s like saying US military aid/sales from 1939 to 1941 to the allies prevented negotiations in Europe and prolonged WW2.