he might not prefer the black hand…
Well, luckily he’s fucking dead. I’d piss on his grave, but he is probaby buried in a ditch somewhere in russia.
Nur echt mit Blutgruppentätowierung
ja besser is, habe schon 2 router verlohren weil die blutung nich gestoppt werden konnte und die blutgruppe nicht bekannt war
i wonder how much people exist that think booth are concerning
What booth in this case?
- concerned about nazis
- concerned about routers
The more i think about it the more mean it sounds, like “schwurbler” that fear routers dont fear nazis and people that fear nazis are okay with routers
something like this
I think I don’t know enough about all this to understand your words magic man
The joke behind it is that people wha belive 5G and wifi is dangerous could be assosiated with at least not fearing nazis or even being some
What is a dumb joke