We always see what we want to see.
Not to mention one did their act in NYC and fled to suburban Pennsylvania while the other had to deal with police from a far more mundane environment. People who think the comparison can be used to paint police intentions (as if they’re even a single body like some army of droids and not individuals who have free will to show up) are just sad, it would be like saying “the 1918 plague was not as widely reported or is as known as the smallpox plague, therefore it killed less or was less a priority”. People are sadly disproportionate, that’s just how things seem to have worked in history.
It really just comes down to whatever helps the narrative. Empirical truth is no longer required anymore. All everyone really needs now is just a good profound meme-
and this dude is destined to become one. His entire message is going to become lost amongst all the edgy salivating kids, climbing over one another to see who can make the coolest cartoon out of him.
Violence is never the answer. Violence is the question, and the answer is “YES”.
“Yes to violence” is never the answer.
It’s all about attention. They wanted their photos taken. Luigi made history, while children getting massacred is just another day in the USA.
It’s so everyone can see who’s the boss.
Are there any photos online, where cops don’t look like absolute bitchmade pussies? JFC
There were a few pictures during the BLM protests were the cops were friendly with the protesters. Reportedly, the cops beat the protesters right after the press left.
Is there anything stopping normal folks from wearing PRESS attire when demonstrating?
Seems like a logical defense against this sort of shit.
You think press people weren’t being targeted by the end? The press ops pictures were from the beginning, but very quickly, the cops started beating and arresting journalists once they started putting tape over their badges.
They wouldn’t be cops if they weren’t absolute bitchmade pussies.
They had to maintain their “fearful” image, or they wouldn’t be able to do their job.
Not like they’re even doing a good job with their real job. $7.50 an Hour ended up doing their job for them.
it’s class warfare, that’s what it is.
There really is no other interpretation. Who can look at this and possibly suggest that they are on our side?
I wish ppl would understand this more. Instead they’re hyper fixated on more superficial issues.
It’s plain and simple. Clear as day.
It’s because of the circumstances of how both were found.
of course it was.
What else would they use it on? Helping low income and disadvantaged people? Pfffff.
They’re treating him like he tried to blow up Gotham City when all he did was kill Lex Luthor.
Nah, more like one of Luthor’s underlings. Andrew Witty would be more equivalent to Lex Luthor.
That guy is still a cog… Bezos or gates or buffet or musk is closer to luthor
It’s always worth the budget for this shot.
This tells me they see Luigi as a more dangerous threat than the military saw fucking Superman in that movie.
lol, there are actually fewer escorting Superman in a scene meant to be over the top.
My favorite part is when he stands up to talk to the mirrored glass the handcuffs just pop apart like they weren’t even there in the first place. Four military soldiers in this picture for a man who could literally turn them into pink mist
VS the entourage NYPD gave Luigi. An unarmed man with a back injury. They really are scared.
So, given that 4 students is equal to 1 cop and that 1 CEO is more or less equal to 30 cop, We can say that a student is equal to 0.25 cop So a CEO is equal to 120 students live. As they have been around 70 victim to school shooting by year and around 300 school shooting for the last 3 years in the USA, we can deduct that the death of a CEO is around 2 year of school shooting combined (not taking into account the wounded) so around 600 school shooting.
Is my math correct?
What color are the students?
Depending on whether you mean Sandy Hook/Columbine type shootings or any shooting that involves any school property in any fashion then either mostly white or mostly black. If you’re averaging a school shooting a day, then you’re including any shooting involving school property so mostly black but also fewer students than you’d expect (a lot of “school shootings” are just gang violence that involves school property in some fashion and a surprising number are accidental discharge of a concealed carry that hits no one).
This sounds like a cursed math question on a standardized test.
You’re supposed to set up a system of equations and use substitution or row reduction to solve. It’s easy! They let you use a ti-89plus titanium, so make sure you’re familiar with how to do this on your calculator.
They want to look super scared and weak. Its how I see them when it takes that many fedbois for one dude.
“The function of that police action, those interventions in Central America and the Middle East, is system sustaining. It is to maintain that overall system. You don’t look at the particular cost. I can demonstrate to you that in every single bank robbery, the cost of the police was more than the actual money that the robbers took from the bank. Does that mean there’s no economic interest involved? They’re not protecting the banks? No! Of course it’s economic; of course they’re defending the banks. If they didn’t stop that bank robbery, regardless of the cost, it could jeopardize the entire banking system. There are people who believe that the function of the police is to fight crime. That’s not true; the function of the police is social control and protection of property.”
Michael Parenti
Why are we pretending like this isn’t prudent on NYPD’s part? If this weren’t 2000 miles away I’d probably show up, if not to try and bust him out then at the very least to throw shit at the cops and yell. And if I’m considering driving a prius thru the fence to free the guy, I can only imagine what the non suburban-cishet-white-male-techie demographic is feeling about it.
Yeah, I assumed it wasn’t too keep him under control, but because of the hero worship he’s receiving.
Of course it still looks really bad on camera. This is one of those lose/lose situations where your best course of action still amplifies a message you probably don’t want to amplify.
Makes him look way more important tho
To people who don’t know the story (ie potential jurors) it could be detrimental, but I’m sure his lawyer will address that.
Does any potential juror possibly not know about this? We’re not talking about rare mineral slave miners here.
Absolutely. Turns out people still hate murderers, and like justice. Hence the love for luigi and why Derrick Murderer hasn’t got crowds demanding his release…
I’d try to get close enough to look like one of those true crime fanatics and throw my bra and panties at him. Pretty sure he would know how to use the bra wire to make lockpicks.
I think out of all I’ve been reading, your comment has brought me a lot joy and smiles. Thank you for something good on a Friday night after a tough week.
Glad to help, as someone who fits the specified demographic in the comment I originally replied to. Except white, I have no ethnic background that would make me even remotely white. Hope the rest of the holiday season looks up for you, cheers!
I’m like the whitest woman I’ve ever met. Maybe if a bunch of us make posters with glitter paint like we’re going to see a boy band and shower him with bras, our odds will go up both that he’ll get one and keep it long enough, and that they’ll assume we’re “harmless.”
…actually if we did the first part we could probably overwhelm them and free him.
I like this idea. If any of the cops that move him in and out of his cell have the stereotypical cop mentality, they might make him put on one of the bras to emasculate him. Unknowingly giving him the keys to freedom.
I hate wearing underwire bras, but I’d make an exception for something like this.
We can put a comfy sports bra on underneath so we don’t have to deal with the bouncing when we run away.
Someone needs to covertly get a Poltergust 3000 in there.
That sounds completely reasonable, until you realize the mayor of NYC was there right behind him. That one little detail blows up the whole story and makes you realize that it was just a photo op.
I think they’re on top of a building after the helicopter landed. Don’t quote me on that. I know you’re just bullshitting but if you really want to do something don’t go throw shit at cops and get yourself arrested, do something smart.