I’m not even sure how many chickens I can fit on my current hard drive, but it’s probably more than the number of persons I can fit.
Don’t look in the filters for pots.
Automation has truly ruined online shopping. These days you can order from a respectable brandname on a big company website and find out later the seller is actually nanchangshishengyuedianzishangwuyouxiangongsi and they sent you a completely different product than advertised.
I remember back in 2013 I built a PC for my wife, and in 2014 one for myself. At that point, buying something online still felt a bit odd. It was reserved for specialty items, shipping would often take at least 2 weeks, or even 6 weeks depending on where it was coming from. I was no stranger to purchasing online, but brick-and-mortar stores with real stock still existed and could get me what I purchased much more quickly.
I remember being so impressed with Newegg’s website. It made it so easy to build a computer and make sure everything was compatible. It was really easy to compare different options. The filter system was intuitive and comprehensive. I remember thinking “wow this is a perfect shopping experience. The future has arrived”.
I went to build my next PC in 2019, and dear Satan was it so much worse. I had heard about Newegg getting bought out by a larger company in 2016, and it showed. They opened it up to 3rd party sellers. The filters got clogged with garbage and don’t seem to work properly anymore. The sort function became a joke. The UI got rearranged to be less intuitive. I think they purposefylly wanted to make a worse shopping experience to make people frustrated, to get them to give up on looking for deals and pay a bit extra just to be done with it. I ended up having to go to a 3rd party website (PCPartPicker) to figure out what I needed and where to get it. And some of those parts I had to order on eBay (some even from Newegg’s eBay account which is just… Why are we doing this?), some on Amazon or Best Buy. And it’s only gotten worse since.
This same experience has happened everywhere. Just this morning my wife was checking out Culture Hustle to see if they have any interesting new paints and commented on how much worse the website was now than when we last used it a few years ago.
This may make me sound like an old curmudgeon yelling at clouds, but I think the Internet peaked a while ago. There are arguments over exactly when, but sometime between 2008-2016. I remember in 2012 in talking to my fellow students about how Google search results were getting worse.
“Hm… 1 chicken or 1 chickens… 🤔”
Hold up. There are six 1 chickens? I gotta see what a 1 chickens capacity drive looks like.
The filters are different today and only one result shows up, but apparently this is a 1 chickens drive: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Universal-500G-USB3-0-External-Hard-Disc-HDD-State-Drive-Notebook-Desktop-for-Flash-Deals-Women-Men-New-Blue/9815853058
If you’re curious enough to reproduce the results yourself, obviously it’s Walmart (I’m not proud, but they’re the only store within an hour of my small town that carries essentially any electronics at all). I got the results searching for “20tb external drive” (not carried, it turns out) and trying to filter by capacity and in-store, but I imagine you could perform a less specific search and perhaps get even more amusing filters.
1 Chicken is measured by the cut size. The smallest currently is measured in bites. Here is a 3lb partition…
Do they come in terabites?
Cubes?! Well I’ll be darn, we got solid-state chicken now.
I think a cube is equivalent to a byte
1 Toribyte
I’m gonna upgrade to the 0 TB hard drive pretty soon so everything stops using up so much storage
Sigh. How many times do I have to keep telling people… 0TB ≠ 0 TiB. One is a marketing gimmick that makes it look like you’re getting more capacity than is actually available. You think you’re getting 0TB when you’re actually only getting 0TiB.
You do get 0 TB though not just 0 TiB. It’s also a way better way of measuring and is the ISO standard.
It can be ∞ TB if you inverse it by instead uploading to cloud 😏🤏🏻
are you saying all I need to do is reverse the polarity?
One chicken is equal to 1,024 Bacockobytes of data (more commonly known as simply a ‘bacock’)
Mine say 256 ertuherrrrs. Wut dat?
Sounds like you need to reformat and install KFC Linux - Kernel Saunders Edition.
Just today I was trying to look for something at homedepot and not only were the filters exactly like that, but they were also additive. So if I selected both “1 chicken” and “1 chickens” to cover both spellings, it would say 0 results because no product matches both at the same time.
I haven’t had this problem that I can recall with online shopping, but I have definitely encountered it when searching Jira tickets.
Actually, some of my most successful online shopping (or at least filtering) has been at Home Depot. They indicate where items are in their store very specifically (and usually accurately) and most of them even have Google Maps of the inside of their store. Because I can precisely locate something before I go there, I know exactly where to go when I do and can be in and out very quickly. It’s wonderful.
The screenshot is from Walmart. Their accuracy is much more questionable. I didn’t see a single chicken last time I visited. Joking aside, the website has indicated that an item was in stock in an aisle that didn’t even exist (I think it was looking at another store despite me confirming multiple times which one I had set).
That’s multiplicative, no? Conjunctive rather than disjunctive.
It sounds like it’s set up as an AND search, rather than the OR that any normal person would expect here.
Yeah, that’s what I mean with conjunctive instead of disjunctive.
It’s for the Chicken PDF, silly!
Hmm, that loads a blank page for me and searching online for “chicken PDF” returns a lot of unrelated stuff.
Still, I’ve heard a PDF can be the size of Britain or something like that. It makes sense that you could only fit a single one (or perhaps single ones) on your drive.
640 kilochickens ought to be enough for anybody.
Only if you eat fewer than 20 chickens per day.
I would hope no individual eats 20 chickens a day. Like damn that’s a lot of chicken.
I would filter by 1 chicken just to see what comes up
Weirdly, it was just a hard drive. I took this screenshot 1-2 months ago and the filter options aren’t quite the same today, but “1 chickens” still shows up as option. If I select it, I get: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Universal-500G-USB3-0-External-Hard-Disc-HDD-State-Drive-Notebook-Desktop-for-Flash-Deals-Women-Men-New-Blue/9815853058
Probably 1 chicken
What the cluck
Yo, give me the hard drive that fits another bard drive. I’ll load a hard drive onto the hard drive in my hard drive so I can load a hard drive on it.
I heard you like hard drives …
Jo dawg
Yeah, you definitely don’t want to get one that only holds 1 chicken. The extra money is worth it to hold 1 chickens.
From personal experience, you will only be able to fit one chicken into your network, but you will end up with at least two, possibly more.
If you refuse to buy said chickens, one or more will arrive on their own
So, you might as well just default to three and hope that’s the end of it.
The good news is that chickens very much enjoy the warmth of a humming PC, and will gladly lay eggs there.
That last part is not a joke.
Is chicken-networking related to duck-networking as described in The Story about Ping?
There’s some overlap there for sure.
Problem is that the ducks are quackers, and the chickens are giant peckers, along with being some serious mothercluckers when you take the eggs off of the pc.
1 chickens, please!
Do you have enough hard drive for it?
Sadly, yes.