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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/EDCmpc on 2024-07-04 16:38:19+00:00.

So im 43, probably hadnt played a video game in almost 20 years.

Saw a Cyberpunk 2077 video a few weeks ago, bought an OLED and havent turned back.

Thing is, i just finished my second plauthrough. And with steams summer sale i grabbed a couple more games for my library:

GTA5 Watchdogs Skyrim Arkham Knight Baldurs Gate 3

I started with BG3 but it seems im either too old, too dumb, or just too damn lazy to learn turn based combat.

Pretty much a waste of money for me, not to denounce the game. The visuals are amazing and if you are into that style of gameplay more power to you.

Anyway im looking for suggestions on what to play next. Either out what I already bought or anything else.

I think the best thing about getting back into the hobby is seeing Steams sales. One of the my biggest reasons for going with a deck over a console, thougg not the only one.

Look forward to everyones thoughts and happy 4th!