let’s gooo

    • jennwiththesea@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      So help them vote. Volunteer with efforts to get out the youth vote. Push for universal mail in voting where you are, or at least early voting. Help get politicians and initiatives on the ballot that they actually care about.

      Shaming and complaining about the demographic you want to reach accomplishes nothing.

        • moitoi@feddit.de
          8 months ago

          It doesn’t work. Every swiss citizen older than 18 receives them at home. The younger generation doesn’t vote.

          I’m older now and the older I’m the more people of my age around me vote. It’s depressing. I try each time to make the younger vote but it’s not working. And, I didn’t miss one. Next one is the 3rd March. I will try again.

          Don’t take me wrong if I convince if just one younger person, it’s a win.

  • Colour_me_triggered@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    As it should be. FUCKING VOTE! And remember, by not voting for Biden, you are voting for Trump whether or not you actually cast a vote. ALL of the Trump supporters WILL show up on the day.

    • Kentifer@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      No. You don’t get to tell me that I have to vote for Biden when he’s not doing anything to earn my vote. He’s allowing Israel to carry out a genocide. So he’s not actually less evil than Trump. You’re just upset because Trump’s shitty policies will impact you more than Biden’s shitty policies. Biden has the lower approval ratings than Trump did at this point. He has not earned a second term.

      How about the Dems run a candidate who isn’t dog shit? I vote for Dems as a form of harm reduction, but they aren’t reducing harm anymore. So what’s in it for me? Dems haven’t not done anything about the supreme court, student loans, or threats to democracy and they are largely supporting the actions of Israel. If I’m right, and this is a genocide (I am), then voting for anyone who supports it would be an evil act. They’re going to have to make some changes if they want to earn the votes of people who don’t want to see a genocide carried out on our watch with our bombs.

      That said, it would be a real problem if Trump won. So if that happens, I hope you’ll be willing to place the blame where it belongs: with the Democrats. They are the ones doing nothing to earn our votes. Biden isn’t even campaigning.

  • mydude@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    The similarities between sexual freedom and religious freedom is striking. Sexual attraction and identification is important to be free and open, just like religious freedom. Free from persecution, equal rights and oppertunities.

    But I don’t like when people forcefully spread their belief system and their values to others. Let it be organic, don’t try to force change. People are free to pursue their lifestyle and i’m free to pursue mine. In today’s society, it feels like the ownerclass are running pro lgbtq advertisements. Is it another divide and conquer technique? The whole thing feels forced…

    Please don’t downvote just because it’s an unpopular opinion, rather lets discuss the issue 👍

    • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
      8 months ago

      Except one thing is real and the other is not. There is no god, but there is definitely sexual attraction in forms beyond heterosexuality and gender expressions outside the heteronormative form. So there is a difference between spreading misinformation in form of religion or quite useful information on gender and sex.

      • Syrc@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        The way I see it, Religion and Gender are both social constructs that exist to make life easier for people who need it (or, at least that’s what the original purpose of religion was).

        There’s no definite, set-in-stone proof for either being true (as far as I know, do correct me if I’m wrong), but as long as they make someone’s life better without making others’ life worse, I see no issue with either existing.

        It’s not really a fair comparison to say “God doesn’t exist, LGBTQ people do”, when one is a concept and the other is people. Religious people do exist, and the concept of “Gender” is just as vague and undefined as the one for “God”.

        The reason why LGBTQ people are (rightfully) seen better than religious people is that they don’t force people to “join” them and don’t treat different people as the scum of the earth.

        • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
          8 months ago

          To be clear I’m not the one bringing up comparison of religion and LGBTQ. I’m pointing out the absurdity of that comparison.

          and the concept of “Gender” is just as vague and undefined as the one for “God”.

          Except you can study one empirically and not the other. Want to take a guess wich one?

          • Syrc@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            Religious people will easily tell you God can be empirically studied. The creation of the world, the forming of consciousness, and so on. They’re not proof in any way but imo it’s not much far off from “some (but not all) trans people have different brain waves than cis people” (at least that’s the most common thing I’ve heard about “objectivity” in gender).

            To me the comparison was kinda fair, if not for the underlying conspiracy theory that “the ownerclass” is trying to turn people gay for some reason.

            • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
              8 months ago

              Religious people will easily tell you God can be empirically studied.

              But that does not make it true. And by the way the whole point of believing is that you don’t need actual proof - if you have evidence you don’t need to believe, you know.

              The creation of the world, the forming of consciousness,

              Yes and when we study those empirical we come op with rather different explanations than offered by religion. The “God of Gaps” is getting smaller.

              They’re not proof in any way but imo it’s not much far off from “some (but not all) trans people have different brain waves than cis people” (at least that’s the most common thing I’ve heard about “objectivity” in gender).

              But again. I can go outside an meet trans people. You can have different explanation to why there is such phenomenon as trans people and come up with different explanations and mechanisms. You can’t do quite the same thing with god. But sure you are welcome to propose an empirical experiment on nature of god.

              • Syrc@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                And by the way the whole point of believing is that you don’t need actual proof - if you have evidence you don’t need to believe, you know.

                Isn’t a major talking point in LGBTQ culture also that asking for “proof” of being trans is rude and you only have to “feel” like one to be one? I’m not that informed in the culture but I know there’s a subset of “Transmedicalists” that are usually shunned because of that.

                Yes and when we study those empirical we come op with rather different explanations than offered by religion. The “God of Gaps” is getting smaller.

                Afaik we still didn’t find any possible explanation for either that doesn’t just bring up more questions. It got smaller for a long time but we’re at a point where we’re probably not ever going further unless someone does the biggest scientific breakthrough of history.

                But again. I can go outside an meet trans people. You can have different explanation to why there is such phenomenon as trans people and come up with different explanations and mechanisms. You can’t do quite the same thing with god. But sure you are welcome to propose an empirical experiment on nature of god.

                Again, you can meet with trans people just like you can meet with religious people. And both have (usually) no objective, biological way to discern them from cis people or atheists. If you want to go further, there’s also people who claim they talked with God or whatever. It’s all claims, as far as I know, on both sides. You can’t empirically test well something that, by definition, can’t have an objective tell.

                • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
                  8 months ago

                  Isn’t a major talking point in LGBTQ culture also that asking for “proof” of being trans is rude and you only have to “feel” like one to be one? I’m not that informed in the culture but I know there’s a subset of “Transmedicalists” that are usually shunned because of that.

                  I’m talking about religion. Also asking people to prove their gender in general is considered rude. If someone says she is a women, you don’t normally ask them to prove it - would kind of border on sexual harassment(joke). Not sure why it would be different for trans folk.

                  Afaik we still didn’t find any possible explanation for either that doesn’t just bring up more questions. It got smaller for a long time but we’re at a point where we’re probably not ever going further unless someone does the biggest scientific breakthrough of history.

                  What do you mean, we have hypothesis for both. Again the difference is we can actually study those things, we can’t study god in the same sense.

                  Again, you can meet with trans people just like you can meet with religious people.

                  You are keep switching between god an religious people. Wich is a bit annoying and makes the conversation less fun. You were saying:

                  Religious people will easily tell you God can be empirically studied. The creation of the world, the forming of consciousness, and so on. They’re not proof in any way but imo it’s not much far off from “some (but not all) trans people have different brain waves than cis people” (at least that’s the most common thing I’ve heard about “objectivity” in gender).

                  So comparing existence of god and trans people. So which one is it?

                  To be clear I’m not doubting that Religions people exists, I doubt that god exists in the capacity they claim it to exist. As a psychological ans sociological construct god is real - and I might join the first religion than will come down with such definition of god. But that is far from what religions claim to be.

      • mydude@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        I’m not religious and I’m not lgbtq either, but I will fight for either’s right and freedom to practise their beliefs. I’d be more careful in calling one side “misinformation”, when you have just spent decades being on the receiving end of that cruelty.

        • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
          8 months ago

          Telling people that your make believe fantasy story is true, is fundamental different from acknowledging existence or expression of non heterosexual sex and non heteronormative gender expression/identity. Especially since people tent to create moral norms for others, based on the particular fantasy story they happen to believe in.

          • mydude@lemmy.world
            8 months ago

            Saying God isn’t real is kinda like saying santa claus isn’t real, and to those kids that desperately needs a santa, Santa is real to them, and that’s all that matters…

            “people tent to create moral norms for others” As long as those norms are not forcefully applied, it’s fine.

            “based on the particular fantasy story they happen to believe in.” I would hope you were more self aware because not too long ago lgbtq’s were dismissed as “fantasy” or some kind of medical diagnose. Just please be more considerate before throwing those types of accusations around.

            • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
              8 months ago

              Saying God isn’t real is kinda like saying santa claus isn’t real, and to those kids that desperately needs a santa, Santa is real to them, and that’s all that matters…

              So, what you are saying is - we should treat religious people like children? Not sure, that is what you intended - but for sure an interesting example to chose, to make your point. Also at no point did I argue for people not be able to practice their religion, in fact I have no problems with peoples personal spirituality as long as it does not negatively effect people around them.

              “people tent to create moral norms for others” As long as those norms are not forcefully applied, it’s fine.

              But the forceful part is kind of what organized religion tends to be all about. Religious majorities tend to demand conformism even from people not following their religion.

              “based on the particular fantasy story they happen to believe in.” I would hope you were more self aware because not too long ago lgbtq’s were dismissed as “fantasy” or some kind of medical diagnose. Just please be more considerate before throwing those types of accusations around.

              Except LGBTQ people are real, you can go outside and talk to them, they will talk back at you. If god is talking back at you, I have bad news for you my friend. What are we even talking about?

              • mydude@lemmy.world
                8 months ago

                Are we not all just children stuck in adult bodies. /end cringe philosophy. I wrote it in this context because I hoped it would be easier to relate to for someone, clearly, not religious. Religious freedom is not a blanket “do whatever you like” free-card. I believe RF is covered under Freedom of Expression, at least in most European Contries. It’s limited to not infringe on other people’s freedom of expression.

                Your next paragraph is also best answered with; their freedom of expression is limited to not infringe on other people’s freedom of expression. And this is what makes this so hard.

                “Except LGBTQ people are real, you can go outside and talk to them, they will talk back at you.”

                Again, I know lgbtq is real, if god is real or not doesn’t matter, that’s not relevant, the actions of those convinced he is real, those actions are real.

                “What are we even talking about” I was trying to have a discussion about that, in my view sexual freedom and religious freedom are very similar. They are both the fight for freedom of extression.

                And my other thought (not so popular thought, so you better not air it) was that recently this fight for lgbtq feels inorganically amplified by legacy media. It makes me suspicious about if there might be a divide and conquer agenda behind it.

                It’s fun to discuss with you, you seem like you argue in good faith. Managed to slip in a semi-dad joke too.

                • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
                  8 months ago

                  Are we not all just children stuck in adult bodies. /end cringe philosophy.

                  You got me there. Can’t ague with that - and my point was unnecessary provokative. Sorry.

                  if god is real or not doesn’t matter, that’s not relevant, the actions of those convinced he is real, those actions are real.

                  It kind of matters a lot, since people justify their action by the fact that god is real and therefore their morals are absolute.

                  I was trying to have a discussion about that, in my view sexual freedom and religious freedom are very similar. They are both the fight for freedom of extression.

                  I think, I can see your argument - maybe on a philosophical level I even agree with you. But I just realize it’s something I have to think about for my self for some time.

                  And my other thought (not so popular thought, so you better not air it) was that recently this fight for lgbtq feels inorganically amplified by legacy media. It makes me suspicious about if there might be a divide and conquer agenda behind it.

                  I don’t consume legacy media, so I can’t really argue on that one.

                  t’s fun to discuss with you, you seem like you argue in good faith. Managed to slip in a semi-dad joke too.

                  Dang, I don’t even have kids, it’s just getting old.