• TheTechnician27@lemmy.world
    6 hours ago
    • It seems a bit dishonest to yourself to say that you don’t trust corporations while espousing a fear whose only source is the zinc lobby trying to retain demand for its product against overwhelming evidence of its uselessness.
    • “Even if they stopped making them I wouldn’t get that money back” except you would in the form of other places that the money could be allocated to. If you don’t trust the government to properly allocate money that’s fine, but now imagine that this argument were about the government buying $325 million worth of stuff every two years just to then catapult it into the Sun (not in a scientific way; just as in the closest way we have of physically getting rid of something forever). I can imagine you wouldn’t be making the argument that you wouldn’t be getting it back anyway and would instead rightly be asking why the hell the government is doing this. There are downsides to the government just wasting money.
    • I don’t think the first point will itself convince you of the penny thing since it doesn’t directly contradict your idea of ‘price gouging’, and the second one is just a point against this argument in general, so as my main point, I’ll leave you with this question and see if you can answer it to yourself: “What would be the mechanism by which this ‘price gouging’ would occur, and why hasn’t it happened in Canada?” Mathematically, rounding to the nearest 5 gives you the same odds of rounding up and rounding down, so how do corporations implement this dastardly scheme, and why haven’t they done it in Canada?